1 Magic Question to help get things DONE!

I’ve had several questions lately – all revolving around time, scheduling and to-do-list overwhelm…

How in the world can an Unstoppable woman like you get everything done when you’ve got such big dreams, such a small amount of time, and there are already so many things on your overflowing to-do list?

Why, if your life was a plate of spaghetti – most of your meal would be slipping over the sides and onto the floor with a slippery SPLAT!!!

I get it.

Your plate’s full. Not much room for more…

So HOW do you wedge in your mission, purpose and business-building into this already tight scenario?

I’ve got a secret that’s worked wonders for me — and it starts with 1 Magic Question:


If you could ONLY accomplish 3 things over the next year… what would bring you the MOST fulfillment, joy and meaning?

. . . If I could teleport you 12 months into the future, and you could look back over the year, what 3 will put a big ol’ smile across your face?

Really stand there. See it. Feel into it. . . .What really will matter most in just 1 short year?

When building your calendar, those 3 things come first – over EVERYTHING else. And I do mean EVERYTHING.

Don’t worry – there’s still time for sleeping, peeing, cooking din-din and feeding the kids. But if you don’t get your priorities straight, those 3 lil’ GEMS will get lost in the shuffle – year after year, decade after decade. (You know I’m right.)


Another great activity is to list out EVERYTHING on your plate (and I do mean everything). Get it all down in front of you. Then add in those additional goals, achievements, experiences or awarenesses that you’ve been meaning to get around to.

Then put this giant list in order of priority — starting with your top 3 most important tidbits from the Magic Question above, of course!

Literally grab your iCal, day planner or piece of paper and start to sketch it all out – blocking out time for each of the things on your plate. And when all your time is filled, you’re done.

And watch out for sneaky moves like forgetting to schedule in sleep, eating, R+R, fun, reflective time or dates with your sweetie, etc. Also be on the lookout for not carving out ENOUGH time for each task or activity… life has a way of having it’s own rhythm – so if you think it will take 2 hours, you may want to plan on 4 . . . or pad each activity with 30 minutes of transition-time (the brain requires at least 15 minutes every time you switch from 1 topic or task to another, doncha know…)

The reason for this scheduling activity is this: If you don’t know where you’re going, you ain’t gonna get there. And if you have a giant to-do list filled with non earth-shaking tasks, mini “fires” and teensy to-do’s, they will be MORE than happy to drag you ragged . . . leaving you with 0 energy + oomph to take care of your big picture, unstoppable actions!

As Michael Gerber (the famous author of the outstanding book, The e-Myth) so perfectly said:

“The difference between great people and everyone else is that great people create their lives actively, while everyone else is created BY their lives, passively waiting to see where life takes them next. The difference between the two is the difference between living fully or just existing.”

Don’t be like most people who go to their death-beds screaming:

“This ride CAN’T be over yet – because it hasn’t even BEGUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Fact #1: The only thing you can’t get back is time. If you spend it on the unimportant stuff, and it’s gone for good.

Fact #2: There’s only so much time in a day. You can do ANYTHING you’re inspired to do — just not all in 1 day.

Fact #3: You WILL be terrified when you step toward into your true mission. Feel the fear and do it anyway!

Your Unstoppable Life depends on it.

• Stop thinking you have to do EVERYTHING all at once.

• Stop believing you have to take care of everyone else before YOURSELF.

• Stop putting unimportant stuff before your BIGGEST dreams and life’s TRUEST purpose.

So . . .

What are YOUR three biggest, juiciest goals for this coming year?

Share below in the comment box — you’ll inspire all your Unstoppable sisters when you do!

Until next week… be Unstoppable!


© 2012 Stephanie McWilliams LLC





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