Falling in Love with Failure

Success Secrets of the Rich and Famous


It’s that dreaded word that runs silently in the background of our lives. It dictates our actions, our words, our energy. It’s that mythical dragon that evokes spine-snapping fear.

Whatever you do, avoid failure at ALL cost!

(Or so you’ve been taught.)

Why, just the other day a brilliantly-talented woman told me she was terrified to call a prospective client:

What if I say the wrong thing? What if I screw things up? What if I do it all wrong?”

History . . . or even plain ol’ reality . . . feeds the Failure-Beast. It whispers that life is dangerous and not to be trusted. It gives you proof everywhere you look. Watch out: Terrible things could happen if you let your guard down!!!

But, if you want to live your mission, and make money running a thriving, heart-centered business, you’ve got to scrap this outdated mythology. It’s a new day. A new age. And time to scrap the word failure altogether.

Adios, Amigos!  Ariva-dirty, Gerty! It’s time for a more inspired, unstoppable approach to life, love and work.

Because here’s the schtickity-schtick: Failure does NOT exist.

Failure is simply a lack of imagination in your perspective on a situation. It’s  looking at life through mud-colored glasses, but believing the mud is the God’s-honest truth.

From a higher, wiser perspective, every single thing you’ve been calling “failure” is nothing of the sort. Instead, these situations are opportunities: blessings in disguise;  upleveling tools; important teachers. ALWAYS.

Believing it’s possible to fail in your business keeps you from stepping out, speaking up, taking risks or doing something downright awe-inspiring!

Life without the myth of “failure” turns every moment into an adventure – a divinely guided journey that is trustable, safe, and always, always, always a sweet requirement for your Soul’s unstoppable journey.


Open your eyes… Look around.

Show me 1 successful person who has not hit a whole butt-load of roadblocks along their awe-inspiring journey.

Because here’s the deal-e-o: Successful people are NOT successful in SPITE of their “failures” – they are successful BECAUSE of them.

If you want to have the life you’ve been dreaming about — filled to the brim with awesome clients, oodles of money, tons of excitement and deep, powerful fulfillment – you want to fail as often as humanly possible.

No joke.

The more you fail, and the faster you course-correct, the stronger and wiser and bolder you become.

Avoid failure? Well, you get the polar opposite. And that is never a fun place to be.

At the end of the day, it’s your choice: believe that you could fail. Or seeing every moment as the most divine choreography for your unique Soul’s journey…an opportunity to get curious, course-correct, learn awesome lessons, and gain invaluable insights.

You can stay small, stay stuck, and stay stagnant.

Or you can look fear right in the face – and step forward anyway. You can look forward to “failure”, knowing it’s a sign you’re living your mission. Living your purpose.

So the next time your wee brain whispers sweet failure in your ear – give a wink, pat yourself on the back, and keep right on walkin.

That’s how unstoppables do it. And you, my dear, are most definitely that.



© 2012 Stephanie McWilliams LLC

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