I’m as Delicate as a Butterfly’s Wing

butterflywingSo on my walk this weekend I was hit with ANOTHER miraculous moment…. and it went like this: I was feeling a bit blue on Saturday –– thinking of a few of my dearest friends who have NOT been very happy with me lately…

As I was walking along my usual canyon trails, I was thinking about how PO’d several of these friends have been — taking some of my decisions and/or lack of connection personally. (Even though I’m still loving them all fiercely from afar…)

I’ve been like a caterpillar this summer: turning myself into liquid-sludge over the past 3 months — slowly dismantling myself; my old wounds; my outdated perspectives –– in order to rebuild my new upgraded version of lil’ ol’ me. A long overdue metamorphosis…

Nonetheless, it’s still physically painful knowing that people I love are NOT feelin’ the love in return…

Then I said to myself: “If they could just spend 5 minutes in my shoes — they’d realize I can be as delicate as a butterfly’s wing…”

And that’s when my eyes darted to the ground 1 foot in front of my fast-moving feet — as I caught a glimpse of something bright orange and black: A FLIPPIN’ BUTTERFLY WING!!!!

(Are you KIDDING me?)

Instantaneously appearing to match my thoughts… like the most perfect, divine choreography.

I stood there in the middle of the trail with my mouth open for almost a solid minute… in awe and in shock…at the VERY SAME TIME as Amy Grant’s voice is softly singing in my earphones: “But if you could read my mind, then you’d understand… Even in times like these, I’m wanting nothing other than our love…”

This tiny delicate wing had been held down by a small pebble to keep the wind from blowing it away — lying there long enough for a (formerly) sad red-head to scoop her up and carry her home…

WHEN will I ever get sick of these mystical moments? No time soon, that’s for sure…

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