More Cursing = More Money?

How the Outrageous Art of Finding Your TRUE Voice Attracts Raving Fans + Infinite Income

My private clients know a lil’ secret sumpin’-sumpin’: I can curse like a sailor.

No. Not just your regular cursing – it’s cursing turned into art. It’s cursing used as verbal exclamation points to hit home whatever insight’s at hand.

It’s my way of lightening somber moods. Jarring the brain. Getting folks unjammed from those places they’re stuck. And getting in a giggle now and then, too.

It’s mental shock therapy with a silly, red headed twist.

So WHY do I mention this absurd fact?

Because the more I curse, the more money I make.

Sure, that sounds TOTALLY unspiritual. But it’s true. True. True.

(But that’s not the WHOLE truth . . . )

My soulful, swearing style is just a symptom of something deeper: A reflection of how much I’ve come into my own divine power.

That’s right. I said it: Cursing can be DIVINE.

FYI: The Universe has far better things to do than to critique your vocabulary, or get hung up on silly semantics. Nope, Source don’t care a lick ’bout the syllables that slide from your pretty pink lips.

Let me take you behind-the-scenes for a moment: in my own past, I was one of the most self-conscious gals I’d ever met. Actually, more like a basket-case of self-consciousness.

I lived to please others. I’d sell my Soul before I’d face confrontation. I’d rather die than have someone not like me.

Dramatic, but true.

So I learned to play the “Spiritual Healer Game”, by talking sweetly, wearing white flowy linen (literally) and playing the role like I THOUGHT it should be played.

I tried my darndest to become a mini-me of MY mentors. But that wasn’t who I was in my heart. And it exhausted the HELL out of me, trying to play that grand role, 24-7.

But the more I’ve learned to source my life from the inside, OUT — the more I’m free to let energy flow through me, without apology. I speak my truth.

. . . I let ‘er rip!

(At least most of the time .)

I’ll tell you the balls-out truth: You’ve got to find this in yourself in order to REALLY rock your business.

No… you don’t have to curse like a trucker. But you DO have to get in your own skin, and be on your own side. You have to stop trying to be someone else, and just be yourself, damn it!

Cause if you try to make everyone happy, you’ll never sparkle or shine. You’ll never stand out from the crowd. You’ll never express your 100%. You’ll never draw in those raving fans – who’ve been waiting for YOU, and ONLY you.

Whether you’re soft and quiet; sensual and sexy; quirky and weird; or tough and serious – the world needs YOU.

As is.

So come close for a minute . . . yup, right up to your computer screen . . . I want to tell you a secret:

99% of clients pay you money because of how you’re BEING.

Sure, you know some pretty wise, cool insights. You’ve been around the block a time or two. You probably have some bad-ass skills in certain areas of life. But it’s the fire in your belly and the twinkle in your eyes that has people falling head-over-heels to work with you.

I swear this is true. (Literally, and figuratively).

It’s time to realize you are enough. Your personality, age, body and brains are perfect for your Soul’s delightful journey.  Beat yourself up less. Embrace yourself more. Have a CRAZY good time more and more every day.

And curse a blue-streak, if that’s your style.

The more you accept yourself. Adore yourself. Love yourself madly (just as you are) something invisible (but powerful) will start to radiate from deep down inside… A delicious vibe that is TOTALLY irresistible to those who were destined to dance by your side, hand in hand.

Sure, some folks won’t like ya. But the ones who do? Well… they’ll LOOOOOOOOVE ya!

You are NOT broken.

You ARE enough.

And you KNOW enough.

So go strut your stuff. Stand strong. And be YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!

When you own your own power, clients come running. Cause baby: THAT is what they’ve been hungry for all along . . .

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