My 6 Favorite Tools to Attract Great Clients:

Enjoy these Fun Ways to Get Into Action + Magnetize New Clients

1 truth in business is this: you’re always on the lookout for the next ideal client.

But finding one is another matter all together.

It’s tough to keep your spirits up 24-7 –– with your heart open and your energy set to “HIGH.” And every once in a while, even the best of us will need a little cheat-sheet to gain quick access to some client-attracting magic.

So let’s have some fun while getting you into inspired action using 6 of my hands-down favorite client-attracting activities.

Because when you’re a woman on a mission, it’s important to have some clever, creative ways to shift your thinking, and energy, so you’re a perfect match to the dreamiest of clients.

So let’s get started . . .

1. Set a measurable goal.

Begin all of your client-attracting efforts with a measurable goal. Why? Because if you’re not specific about what you desire, the Universe has a pretty darn tough timing giving you what you want.

So set a benchmark for yourself today by answering the following questions:

A. How many new clients would you like to add to your plate?

B. By what date would you like to have found these new clients?

I recommend setting goals that are no more than 3 months away. The mind gets really bored, distracted and downright frustrated if given too much time to wander. Try starting with a 30-day or 2-month goal for best results. Then try other timeframes, and see what works best.

2. Prepare for their arrival.

The world has a very funny way of filling up empty spaces. This is why I always create a variety of “placeholders” for all my business goals.

For example, if you want 5 new clients, you can:

• Pull together 5 file folders with all your “new client” handouts – organized + ready to go.

• Place 5 circles on a piece of paper, and as new clients enroll, fill those circles with your new clients’ photographs.

• Box up 5 bundles of “Welcome!” goodies to send to each new client.

Whatever it is, find some creative way of designing a client “placeholder” for the Universe to fill right up. Then make sure to look at these “placeholders” throughout the day – a great way to keep your sites set on the new clients just around the bend.

If you build it, they will come . . .

3. Carve out plenty of space.

If your closets, filing cabinets, drawers and desk are all jammed full of overflowing “stuff”, then you’re sending out a psychological signal, saying: “CLOSED FOR BUSINESS – I’M FULL!” When there’s no “space” in your space, life has a tough time adding more to your already-overflowin’ plate.

And don’t forget to add “space” to your day, too: If there’s no extra wiggle-room in your schedule — to build your business, or to bring in new clients — then no new clients will come. Promise.

So make it a point to dump, donate, purge and pitch all the unnecessary crapola in your life this week. Dump outdated obligations, belongings, clients and commitments. Design a life, home and schedule that have room to grow –– ‘cause baby, anything that clogs up your big mission has got to go!

4. Get a little O.C.D.

There’s 1 time when I encourage women to get a lil’ Obcessive-Compulsive — and that’s when you’re on the quest for new clients.

The more you fixate, focus on, talk about, and take actions toward those next dreamy clients, the more likely you are to have them appear. Allow yourself to daydream about the object of your affection all throughout the day, in little mini-doses –– just as your ideal clients are already right here, right now. The act of basking in the energy of what you most desire turns your whole body into a client-attracting magnet.

You can also try taking 1 of your goals — perhaps it’s getting 5 new clients by a specific date — and writing this onto 50 separate note cards.   Then tape them to every surface of your home, office, purse and car. It’s an easy way to keep your goals front and center, so you can O.C.D. your heart out ‘till those dreams come true.

5. Create a consequence.

If you’re a tough-case like me, you might need to bring out the big guns now and then. And that can be done through: CONSEQUENCES!

Now there are 2 different approaches to this: 1 is through positive reinforcement. And 1, well… ISN’T!  Here’s what I mean…

Positive: Perhaps when you set a goal, and meet it, you get to treat yourself to something special. Maybe it’s a manicure, a pair of shoes, a new car, or a trip around the world. Whatever it is, make sure it’s titillating enough to inspire you forward, and is fitting for the goal you want to achieve.

Not So Positive: Most often this involves the exchange of moolah. For example, if you set a goal, and don’t meet it by the date you set, you have to give your partner $20, or give $500 to charity, or write a $1000 check to a colleague. (You get my drift.) And while this might sound harsh, if done with the right motives, it can actually be lots of fun!

…I suggest you try both approaches, and see which works best for you!

6. Dance your buns off.

That’s right. You heard me: DANCING!

I haven’t discovered anything better to get your blood flowing, lift you out of any funk, and inspire some seriously good feelings than a good ol’ fashion dance party for 1.

Have a playlist ready, filled with all of your most uplifting and uber-infectious dance beats –– ideally ones with optimistic messages that make you feel like you could save the world!  Then play 1 whenever you’re needing a lift.  Because when time is of the essence, I’ve yet to find anything that can jolt me back to life like a behind-closed-doors boogie-woogie-fest.

And these kind of full-bodied “good-feelin’ vibes” are oh-so-attractive to prospective clients…


Now that we’ve covered 6 of my fastest, favorite ways to get you 1 step closer to finding YOUR next perfect clients, which of the 6 tools above resonated most with YOU? Which ones got you the most excited?

Then take just 1 tip from above and plan a way to implement it this week.

Let us all know what approach you’re taking in the comment box below so we can make sure to root for you! (Then come back and tell us about your results…)

Here’s to getting you some massive momentum toward YOUR next 5 clients.

And if you need more support, don’t hesitate to sign up for a complimentary Breakthrough session, so we can craft a plan to get you moving forward – big time:

Till next week – be Unstoppable!


© 2012 Stephanie McWilliams LLC

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