Putting the “Woo” Back in Work

How Woo-Woo Can DRAMATICALLY Boost Your Business

ParanoiaSure, if you’re like me, your “Woo-Woo” nature is a big part of your business. It’s likely the inspiration behind your mission, and a part of the gifts you share with your clients.

(Whether you’re conscious of it, or not.)

But if you’re like most of my private clients, you’re just not utilizing your “Woo” to your advantage. Or at least not enough. Especially in your biz.

So here’s a lil’ reminder you’ll likely need to hear every single day:

Source is WAY freakin’ smarter than you and I put together!!!!!

Yet here we are as humans, trying to go this ride alone. Even the most soulful among us will still forget about our endless supply of invisible allies. And instead, we try to push, effort and force life into submission. (With rather lousy results.)

So why is it that you don’t rely on your “Woo” for EVERYTHING? . . . Especially your work?

‘Cause without utilizing, incorporating or calling on the infinite powers of the Universe, it’s like trying to cut down a giant oak tree with a dull, plastic knife. (A task I do NOT recommend.)

But bring in Divine Guidance? Well, that’s like tackling life’s tree-trunk with a high-powered, super-charged chainsaw. It gets you where you want to go fast. Powerfully. And with far, far less effort.


(And no: I do not condone cutting down trees . . .Tisk! Tisk!)

It’s time to bring the Woo-Woo back into your work – to help guide and inspire you around even those seemingly less-spiritual things like sales, financial choices, attracting great clients, productivity, organization and more.

So for you: Where are those places in your biz that cause you a whole lotta grief, stress, stagnancy or stuckness?

Now let me pull out my email-magic-ball, and gaze within: I’ll bet my life those are places where Source is having a pretty darn hard time getting in . . . Am I right?

Here’s a few quickie reminders for ya:

  1. You can ask for Divine help – and LOTS of it! — for anything and everything.  (But ARE you asking?)
  1. You have a team of Guides dedicated to your joy and wellbeing. 24-7. For free. At your beckon call. (But do you KNOW they’re there?)
  1. Your invisible God-Gang can help coordinate every aspect of life: Your business, checkbook, love-life, health, writing, planning, organization and sales. (But are you letting it IN?)
  1. The more you stay aligned, and tuned to those deliciously high-vibin’ frequencies, the less you have to struggle and “work hard” – delighting instead by what gets dropped right into your pretty pink lap.

Here are just a teensy-tiny handful of ways intuition and Source-support have helped my business in the past few weeks:

• During my client “readings”, my Guides show me what’s “off” with their mindset, marketing, energy, money and more – helping them move 10,000x faster than brain-power alone.

• I told my Guides that I was ready to go out and give some great new talks – and within just 1 week I received 5 speaking gigs — out of nowhere.

• I had a dream that gave me the perfect solution to a big problem with an upcoming launch.

• After asking my Guides to help increase my intuition, a Saint appeared during meditation, saying her name was “Rose.” (2 days later I found myself at a hotel located on “Saint Rose Boulevard”.)

• I was thinking about working with a dynamic colleague – but after consulting my Guides, the answer was “no”.

• I asked my Guides which upcoming business trips were beneficial, and which ones weren’t – helping me to guiltlessly cancel 2 of the 4.

• My Guides showed me a devastating energetic block in a client’s energy field. Now that it’s cleared, she’s moving forward again with gusto.

• I see the numbers: 1:11 and 11:11 almost daily (often several times a day) –  like a wink from the Universe, telling me I’m energetically aligned.

And there are a million more wild-n-weird tales I could tell you!

Yet far too many soulful female entrepreneurs are not taking advantage of the support that’s all around, or taking time every day to tune in to Source (and tune OUT the crazy distractions of world around us).

I’m still guilty of this myself. Regularly.

But you CAN build a business that is Divinely-designed and driven – so you’re working smart and in alignment, vs. being alone, struggling and efforting.

You CAN have miraculous things be the norm – not just in life, but throughout every detail of your biz, too.

You CAN build meaningful work while taking care of yourself and scheduling in plenty of down-time.

So this week just take 1 aspect of your work that’s tough – and consult your Guides, and/or your gut – even if you don’t consider yourself “intuitive”:

— Maybe you want to hurl around sales?

— Have an assistant that won’t shape up?

— Need more money in your account, pronto?

— Find yourself attracting less-than-ideal clients?

Ask for help. Tune in to guidance. See what your gut tells you to do.

• You might visualize your guides standing before you, so you can discuss your issue, and hear their response.

• Maybe you do free-form writing where you write your question, and see what your pen replies.

• Or maybe your body sensations trigger a “knowing” in your belly, your bones, your heart.

Whatever it is, be willing to open up. Listen up. Lighten up.

And R-E-C-E-I-V-E divine support.

PS: if you don’t already have a connection to your own inner guidance system or “GT”, spend the week imagining that you have your own 24-7 karmic Concierge – there to assist you, guide you and adore you at every moment of your journey . . .

Then be brave enough to start asking them for some signs, and insights.  Once you do, kick back and delight as you notice the small synchronicities start lining up for you.

Sure, at the beginning they might seem small – like a penny on the ground; a message-filled song that starts playing in your head; repeating numbers on the clock; or other bizarre synchronicities.

The more you take notice, and acknowledge the magic, the more they’ll appear.

Of that I promise.

There IS a new way of doing business – business sourced from the HEART, not from the head. Business that inspires and fills you, vs. depleted you. A biz that expands your entire SOUL – while changing lives and making you money, too.

Now, does it get much better than that?

Leave your comments and questions below.  And if you have a topic or question you’d like me to cover in a future article, just let me know! Your wish is my command…

Lots of love for this week, Unstoppable One!

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