When Selling Feels SLEAZY!

A Simple Tip to Help You Fall Madly In Love With Sales

sleazyguyWhen I first started my business, I worked my buns off. Bigtime.

BUT . . . I was doing everything except SELLING my services.

(Big mistake.)

And after a few years my business tanked into the ground. BAM! Bankruptcy, baby… All because I had some very “icky” ideas about what it meant to SELL anything.

So to avoid turning into a soulful Slick-Willy, I avoided sales conversations altogether, and hid behind my computer, created products, did telesummits, explored clever online strategies, and anything else that would keep me far, FAR away from having to directly sell my services to a real-live human being.

But then everything changed for me — simply because I finally realized the TRUTH about sales. (And boy, it’s not what I thought it was going to be!)

Now I can honestly say that I LOOOOOOVE selling . . . Who knew? As long as I keep today’s tip front-and-center in my mind (and heart).

And I think after this, you may fall in love with sales, too! Because without sales, you can’t serve the people you were born to serve. And well… that SUCKS!

(Make sure to watch to the 3:45 minute mark to the end, or you’ll miss some of my GOOFY ranting…)

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