It’s Monday morning.

I put a giant skillet of veggies onto the stove for my breakfast. (Yum!) I run outside to quickly roll the garbage can down to the curb in the 5 minutes I have before the veggies start to burn…

It’s 40 degrees outside. I’m in rather skimpy pajamas. Teeth unbrushed. Head looking more like a red wasp’s nest (than human hair). And as I step outside… the door locks shut behind me.


I spot a neighbor. (Hallalujah!!!!) He kindly loans me his phone while I try to remember numbers of friends and relatives. No such luck. I scour around the house for keys. No such luck again. My feet start burning and turning blue. Looks like I’m screwed…

And that’s when I remember the veggies turning black on the stovetop inside the house.


Luckily a relative showed up randomly, out of the blue, and in the NICK of time — to help me get back into the house.


But… during all this, I kept thinking to myself: “WTF, Guides!?!? I do INTUITIVE work for a living!!! I channel messages from you for HOURS a day!!!! Why in the world wouldn’t you guys have WARNED ME ABOUT THIS beforehand!?!?!?!”

Sheesh… Guides are SO useless sometimes.


One of my Guides told me to open up a specific page in my “Channeing Binder” (where I type out the messages from my Guides on a daily basis) – specifically to a message dated the DAY BEFORE the “locked-out fiasco”.

And I look down to see this weirdo phrase midway down the page:

“Complex procedures are being sent to you shortly about how to get into your house without keys.”

…DAMN IT!!!!!!

Looks like I ignored their attempts to warn me – dismissing it entirely, as I assumed I wasn’t hearing them correctly…

Because… well… what a RIDICULOUS message to get out of the blue on a Sunday afternoon… right?


Humbled once again, Guides…

(OK, OK, so you’re not so bad after all.)

But when, oh when, will I learn to be a better listener? Time will tell… But thank God they’re patient!!!

So now I’ll toss the intuitive-ball back into YOUR court:

• Where might you be getting soulful messages, wild whispers, 6-sense nudges, or random “knowings — but not following their lead?”

• And how can you learn to still your mind, trust your gut, learn to discern which “nudges” to follow (and which to ignore!) — and let the Universe’s lead?

Because I’ve discovered in my own life that: 

I’m definitely not special – EVERYONE is intuitive!

• The wisest and most important insights come from our intuition (if we’ve developed them enough to trust ’em!)

• We all miss Source’s signs now and then . . . ‘Oh well!

• And it’s just a matter of practice, practice, practice — to open up and trust your own natural intuitive abilities!

So until next time –– I’d LOVE to hear your thoughts below about your crazy intuition stories, soulful goofs, or how you’re eager to develop your own soulful senses in the months and years to come.

Huge love until next time, Beautiful One . . . 


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