Comfort-Carrie or Daring-Darla: Which 1 Are YOU?

When it comes to living your divine mission, there are 2 paths to follow. You can either follow the lead of the Comfort-Carrie’s of the world, or follow the Daring-Darla’s.

I see both kinds of women coming through my practice in a steady stream – 1 far more than the other. (Can you guess which?)

While there’s very little innate, biological difference between both of these 2 women, there is 1 distinctly different core trait that each have developed.

And I can instantly spot which “type” a woman is within just a few minutes of speaking with them.

1 of them has endless possibilities. The other, not so much.

First, let’s start with Comfort-Carrie…


Comfort-Carrie is a woman who knows she’s got big dreams. She let’s herself daydream now and then, has moments of excitement about life’s endless possibilities, and explores ways to get momentum.

She wants to make a difference. She wants to live her divine mission.

But something stops her . . .


It’s that oh-so-familiar feeling that comfort = safety.

So even though she’s willing to dream big, she’s unwilling to take the steps necessary to get there.

She’s unfortunately (and innocently) been taught by fellow Comfort-Carrie’s (who’s massive numbers coat the planet in a thick, sticky crust) to play it safe, don’t step outside the box, and keep her head down. She buys into the global brainwashing that tells her:

“Stay comfortable: Then, and only then, will you survive.”

But that’s some pretty hard-core, outdated programming.

Sure, when folks were living in caves, dragging clubs, wearing furs and hurling spears, comfort was good. Very, very good. In fact, it was gosh-darn GREAT!!!

Playing it safe literally meant living another day. Surviving another season. Keeping your family and your tribe safe-n-sound.

Safe. Safe. And more safe.

But being “comfortable” in this day and age –– free from lions, tigers and bears gobbling us up for dinner –– is a downright bummer. It’s a life free from creativity, growth, expansiveness and impact. It’s a life of complacency, stagnancy, stuckness and resistance.

It’s the boring result of listening to a very outdated operating-system that seduces you into squashing your brilliance and dimming your divine light.

Nothing could suck more than that. It’s soul-filled suffering, at it’s best.

And unfortunately, the longer she stays “comfortable”, the tougher it is to break the spell.

But then there’s Daring-Darla . . .


Daring-Darla knows truth at it’s core. She too suffered under the weight of the “Play It Safe” mentality and fell under it’s tight, small, dark trance.

But she was lucky enough to pull back the curtain – to realize that the Wizard of Oz, and all his “apparent” power, was actually just a weak little weirdo in a bright green jumpsuit. She discovered that focusing solely on feeling “comfortable” –– at all cost –– lead to nothing good.


And, she fortunately discovered the opposite –– that the more she stepped out, spoke up, took risks and followed life’s less-traveled pathways –– the better she felt, the more joy she experienced, the more love she gave, and the more confident she became.

Everything she’d been taught about comfort was WRONG. Dead wrong.

What she’d been looking for her whole life was ONLY possible by living full-out, in a divinely-daring way.

Daring-Darla puts her growth above all else. For the more she expands and stretches, the bigger, better and more beautiful life becomes.

She takes on tasks she has NO idea how to accomplish. She reaches for heights far beyond her current grasp. She follows her intuition, even if it calls her to live bigger than ever before.

Through real-life experience, she came to trust that the feelings (that flood your body when you take risks and live boldly) are just that: FEELINGS.

Nothing more, nothing less.

She no longer labels them as fear, or a sign to: “Turn back! Run away!!!” She’s wise enough to know that these physical sensations and intense emotions are simply her spiritual barometer –– congratulationg her that she’s living her life with faith. Authenticity. Creativity. And divine power.

She is Unstoppability incarnate.

So which one do YOU identify with most? How are you showing up in your life? How are you responding to life’s nudges, winks, pokes and prods? Are you following your life’s calling, or are you turning off the faucet of your perfect Purpose-Pipeline?

If you’re dedicated to becoming a dynamic Daring-Darla yourself, pick 1 small area where you can stretch out of YOUR comfort zone this week. There’s no better way to change your brain’s outdated programming than proving to it, without a shadow of a doubt, that what it fears MOST is actually the doorway into your best life ever.

Share what you’re hungry to explore in the comment box below.

And here’s to your continued unstoppability!


© 2012 Stephanie McWilliams LLC

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