The “SPIRITUALITY” of Making Moolah…

How to Change Your Thoughts About Wealth — So You Attract Better Clients, More Money + Endless Freedom

For centuries rich folks have gotten a bad rap.

Because of this, smart women have been sabotaging their careers and finances due to limited, lousy thinking  — thinking handed down from 1 unenlightened (yet well-meaning) generation to the next.

…Generations taught to believe that there were only 2 ways of being:

  1. Rich, Arrogant Tyrants
  2. Poor Spiritual Souls

And while things are changing, I still find that most women still (secretly) operate off of these oppressive, outdated money modalities. And it’s doing nothing but keeping them spiritual stuck.

Yes, I said it: SPIRITUALLY stuck.

Here’s the scoopy-doop: You, in all your glory, are here to allow a whole lot of energy and divine inspiration to flow through you. It’s just the way we human’s were built to roll.

But when you stop allowing certain ideas, insights or objects (like money) to come into your life in an easy-breezy fashion, you’re not just stopping-up the flow of that “thing” — you’re actually stopping-up the flow of the Big Kahuna (ie. Source, the Universe, God, etc.)

So enough’s enough.

There’s a small (but growing) wave of women beginning to step up to the plate — ready to go to bat for the Big Bucks! Finally.

And hopefully this growing group will include lil’ ol you, too.

You see…

It’s no longer acceptable to see money in a bad light.

Heck, money in the hands of women is the VERY thing that’s going to rock this planet’s world (if planet’s worlds can be rocked, that is…?)

You can change a whole lot of lives when you have massive money — but it’s sure tough to do if you’re flat broke.

It’s no longer acceptable to see rich people in a bad light.

Yes, there are the Paris Hilton’s of the world. But there are also the Oprah’s of the world, too.

So to change this stinkin-thinkin’, you first have to start questioning all your beliefs around what having money actually means — such as:

• I would be an uncaring, arrogant snob if I were rich.

• I would lose my connection to my family and friends if I had lots of money.

• People wouldn’t like me anymore if they knew I had more than them.

• It would be too much work and responsibility to have greater finances.

• I wouldn’t be a good person if I had all the money I desire.

What else do you find yourself saying or thinking about money?

Write each of them down on a piece of paper, and then ask yourself the cold, hard truth:

  1. Can you REALLY know that this is what would happen if YOU made some serious moolah?
  2. How do you live when you DO believe these limiting thoughts?
  3. What would be possible for your future if you no longer thought these things?

Face it: there’s nothing LESS spiritual than a woman worried silly about her next meal, scared for her child’s safety, or stressed about the rent.

But there’s something HUGELY spiritual about a woman who’s overflowing heart (and overflowing pocketbook) joyfully makes a massive difference in the world around her.

No one — I repeat: NO ONE! — benefits when you play small (especially around money).

So… who would YOU be if you tossed your mental money garbage? How much more cash would you allow into your life? And what would you do with that cash if it came your way?

If making money was, in fact, spiritual — what would your life and the world be like?

Share your possibilities and insights below . . .

PS: If you enjoyed this article, then you’re sure to love this one too!

Feng Shui Your Money House:


© Copyright 2013 Stephanie McWilliams LLC

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