He was just 55…

How to Live On-Purpose with the Time that You’ve Got.

This past week a friend of mine passed away.


He was just 55 years old.

There weren’t any warnings. There weren’t any signs.

On Friday he just collapsed.


So over the past few days I’ve been reflecting on Tom’s life, vibrance, outrageous humor, beaming smile . . . and the rich, full life that he packed into 55 years.

And it got me thinking:

How much time DO we have?

Where’s the guarantee you’ll be around ‘till you’re 86 — or beyond?

And what does this “assumption” (that we’ll all live to old age) DO to our lives, our purpose, and our hearts?

Just look around at the average person’s life . . .

There are few people taking risks. Following their Soul’s calling. Speaking out. Or making big ripples in life’s rolling waves.

I spoke with over 256 entrepreneurs this past year. And a majority of them were “waiting” for the right time. Or for enough money. Or for a “sign”, etc.

(And I’ll bet my life that many of them are still “waiting” . . . )

Living as if there’s a TOMORROW is dangerous stuff.

No . . . Not dangerous for your Soul. Your Soul’s hunky-dory no matter what’s happening.

But it’s dangerous to your mission – to that divine journey you signed up for when you plopped out of the womb and into the open Earth air.

The fascinating piece of this puzzling pie is: WHY do we hold ourselves down, and keep ourselves stuck? Why would we choose a small, tight life when we could have a fearless, fabulous, ever-expanding experience? Why, oh why, do we WAIT?

And the answer is simple: FEAR.

We’ve all been taught that this life is all-there-is. There ain’t no more.

Therefore you end up taking it’s many details WAY too seriously!

Even if you believe in a “higher power”, the human brain tends to override the spiritual circuit-board by repeating scaredy-cat mantras day-n-night that keep you frozen, and (seemingly) forever fixed-in-place.

So I’m e-screaming this to your gray matter: “LIGHTEN UP, ALREADY!!!!!!”

Because even smart women like you have bought into the global mythology that:

“Terrible things will happen to me if I fail!”

“My life’s OVER if people don’t like me!”

“If I step out of line and speak my truth, someone will smack me silly!”

(Or any unique variety of the above.)

Thing is, it couldn’t be MORE polar opposite.

When you “fail”: you’ve simply proven that you’re following your heart, taking risks, learning a TON, and 1 step closer to an aligned and awesome experience.

When people don’t like you: it means you’ve taken a stand, been your authentic self, weeded out peeps who aren’t ready for your brilliance, and given yourself another amazing opportunity to fall in love with YOU (which is all you’ve ever wanted in the first place).

When you speak out: you change minds, you change lives, you get in the flow of your heart’s calling, and you channel your Spiritual truth out into the world. . . . Yummola!

. . . But when you WAIT? You use money, Karma and convenience to dictate your actions – when the ONLY non-replaceable resource –– TIME! –– is slipping through your 1 and only hour-glass.

So if you’re like me, you need a million reminders that:

• There are no dinosaurs left to eat you.

• There are no boogie-men lurking under the bed.

• Nothing terrible can happen if someone thinks you’re a big ol’ Doodie-Head.

You are INVINCIBLE to all those things that fellow humans have taught you to fear.

They are NOTHING. Zippola. And the more you face those fears, and strut right through them, the more you come to realize this bold reality:

Nothing will ever hurt you more than your small, tight, limited, fearful thinking.

Always and forever. Amen.

So if you’re reading this message – it’s time!

It’s time for you to step it up, step out… and live YOUR divine mission out into the world.

No, it won’t look like mine. Or your neighbor’s. Or your best friend’s. It will look like YOURS – unlike any other mission on the planet.

And the best news of all is that you don’t have to do ANYTHING!!!


This is not about “doing” something with your life.

This is about simply BEING who you were born to be.

It’s not about MAKING things happen.

It’s about allowing what’s always been there to simply come OUT!

. . . To let your pink, squishy, cream-filled center oooooooze your deliciously-divine gifts all over everyone around you.

(I know, I know… weird analogy.)

So whadda ya say?

Ready to toss a few of those old, outdated fears? Ready to crack yourself wide open? Ready to walk amongst those of us who are going against the grain… making a difference… and having a FREAKIN’ blast doing it all?

If so, leave a note in the comments section to say “Hello!” to your fellow Unstoppable Soul Sisters . . . The journey doesn’t have to be lonely – there are LOTS of us here, walking along your side.

Life’s SO short.

. . . It’s time to unleash your Unstoppable-Self upon the world!

Do it for me.

Do it for Tom.

Do it for YOU.


© 2012 Stephanie McWilliams LLC


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