How to Create a Steady “PAYCHECK” in your Business

How 1 Small-n-Simple Shift Can Change Your Biz
(and Finances) — Forever!


I meet a whole lot of heart-based entrepreneurs like yourself every year.

And there’s 1 thing I hear a lot of you saying: “I love being an entrepreneur – but boy, do I miss the paycheck of a regular job!”

But the thing is, you CAN create a steady paycheck in your business – and quite easily!

But unfortunately most entrepreneurs are still missing the boat on this rather obvious (yet elusive) tidbit.

And that’s what I want to show you –– one of the most important steps that took me from struggling, to 6-figures.

Because without this 1 thing, the financial swings of being a soulful solopreneur can make you feel like you’ve ridden the world’s wildest roller-coaster – backwards (on a full stomach of raw oysters).

(And worse yet, you’ll never EVER get any real traction in your business.)

So here’s how to create a regular, steady “paycheck” in your business –– WITHOUT all the headaches of working for someone else, and WITH all the perks of being a creative, freedom-loving, call-your-own-shots entrepreneur . . .


It’s PROGRAMS!!!!!

Not just any programs — ideally long-term programs that last for 12 weeks… to 12 MONTHS.

While this may be obvious to some (if that’s you, feel free to scroll below for more advanced techniques), it’s a shocking surprise to many heart-based folks. As the nurturing, healing personalities that we are, we’ve been brought up in a culture of what I call “1-Offs“.

[1-Offs = working with a client for 1 session at a time.]

This shows up in LOTS of industries, but most especially with coaches, healers, yoga instructors, personal trainers, counselors and therapists. It’s woven deeply into these cultures – and BOY, it can feel pretty intimidating once you start going against the grain (while leaving your fellow colleagues in the “1-Off” dust).

MAKE NO MISTAKE: Selling a bundle of your services at a special savings does not constitute a “PROGRAM”. No, no, no…

Selling 1-Offs or bundled sessions still causes your prospects to focus upon 1 lousy thing: How much you COST vs. how much TIME they get with you.

Think about it…

It keeps them focused on the VERY things that makes even well-meaning peeps turn into cheapskate-bargain-shoppers-extraordinaire.


Even if you’re BRILLIANT at what you do, when you’re trading your precious hours for their precious dollars, people’s wee brains will fixate on their pocketbook (instead of the powerful new possibilities you can provide).

So when you sell PROGRAMS (hint-hint) you get the opportunity to focus on the end-result — ie. the transformation that you, and only you, can provide. You get to sell them a life-changing experience. An adventure. A journey with a delicious, dramatic end. …Wooohooooo!!!!!!


Old-School = “I offer either 30 or 60-minute private sessions for $_____, or you can get a 10% savings if you purchase 10 sessions.”

Unstoppable-Style = “I have a special program that I think would be PERFECT for you! It’s designed specifically for A-B-C challenges (which is my specialty!), so you can definitely get those X-Y-Z results you’ve talked about. So, the program lasts for 6-months where I’ll be walking you through my 1-2-3 System to make sure you get the results you desire — and my goal by the end of those 6 months is to have you experiencing X-Y-Z — bigtime! We’ll be meeting 3x a month privately, and we’ll also meet 1x a month as a group via phone. Plus you’ll also get a special guided meditation to use to help keep you inspired throughout the process, and customized handouts to walk you through every step of the journey. And you’ll also get unlimited email access to me too! I’ll help you craft a personalized plan you can follow in between sessions, and you get 3 bonus 15-minute check-in calls to use any time you need more support. So how does that sound?”

Now compare these 2 approaches above. Notice how the first (typical) approach solely focuses on the details of the program – and the time/money exchange. (Blah.)

And with Unstoppable Style? Well, it’s focused 90%+ on the benefits and transformation the program provides (but hardly at ALL on the details).

Now ask yourself — which opportunity would YOU rather invest in?

Yup. It’s a no-brainer.


When you offer a richer, juicier service, you can charge richer, juicier prices — because what you’re offering will actually bring about better results for your clients.


1. It allows you to work only with truly committed clients — clients willing to do whatever it takes 

2. It keeps people in your programs for longer periods of time, so they get deeper, longer-lasting results. 

3. It provides you with a greater income — so you can take care of yourself better in order to be the best support for your clients!

4. It gives you peace of mind — knowing that you have  steady income rolling in for months down the road.

Now really think about this — because things can go 1 of 2 ways:

A. HARD WAY: You can hustle your buns off, hoping and praying that clients will keep coming back — and desperately scrounging to fill up each hour of your schedule — day after day, month after month…


B. EASY WAY: You can choose to work with just a hand-full of dedicated clients — so that you can predict down to the DIME how much income you’ll have months down the road.


So here’s how you can put this into action this week…


As all Unstoppables say, “Practice makes perfect!” So this week, take a few minutes to practice this 3-step approach so it becomes natural for you over time.

1. Open your heart: Sink into your heart and connect with that original passion that ignited your business in the first place — what’s your life mission?

2. Speak from your heart: Now imagine standing in front of an ideal prospect — and with your heartfelt desire to make a difference, share with them all the ways you can support them in achieving their goals and help them leap those pesky hurdles — and speak with passion, verve and gusto!

3. Prescribe from your heart: No business would be complete without offering a great service to a great prospect. So practice giving your professional recommendation — and tell them clearly which of your services would be dreamy for them (and explain why).


1. FEEDBACK: Audio-record yourself delivering your program “pitch” — because even if you’re a seasoned pro, there’s always lots of room for improvement in this area. Or run this dialogue past your own business mentor or mastermind group to get their honest feedback.

2. BONUSES: Implement new bonus goodies that will provide BETTER support, and help your clients get BETTER results. Consider things like: group calls, support handouts, online forum, audio lectures, live events, or retreats.

3. BOOTCAMPS: Do you have a special skill that can set you apart? If you have a unique topic you’d love to teach, simply add a bonus 1/2-day or full-day virtual bootcamp where all your clients come together to dive deep into this special subject.

So I hope all of this gives you some food for thought, no matter what stage your business is at!

Did you get 1 “Ah-ha!” idea — or have your own awesome insights to add to this topic? Feel free to leave your comments below.

And if you’re feeling stumped, wonder how the heck YOU could actually create a program (and paycheck!) into YOUR business, just leave your questions below and I’m happy to help…

That’s all for this week — until next time, be Unstoppable!!!


© 2013 Stephanie McWilliams LLC


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