It’s NEVER About “Getting It All Together”

So many women think that the goal of life is to strive for perfection – that fabulous fantasy when you’ve FINALLY got everything altogether.

Nothing bothers you ever again.

You’re the bell of life’s ball.

You’ve arrived  — at last!

Thing is, the idea that you can somehow “get it all together” is a big fat myth. Impossible. Ain’t gonna happen.

Never. Ever.

Ever ever ever.

Nobody — not even the rich, beautiful and super-smart — can bribe their way around life’s all-to-familiar challenges: like career dips, financial failures or relationship friction.

Just when you’ve lost the weight, made the money, boosted the self esteem or landed the dream lover…

You get cancer. There’s a tornado. Your house burns down. Or your business tanks.

These things hit everybody at some point or another.

That’s just the way life rolls.

[FYI: The more you realize this, the less you’ll beat yourself up when one of life’s many balls drop right on your foot.]

You can’t leap over them. You can’t walk around them. You must walk THROUGH them.

Facing your fears is the real “art” — and says wonders about what type of super-strength + inner resolve you’ve got goin’ on at your core.

Because here’s the thing: the PAIN of life’s bummers comes from 1 thing and 1 thing only:


When life’s roller coaster takes a wild dip, or whiplash turn — and you freak out,  hunker down, and white-knuckle the handlebar — that’s when you’re most likely to toss your cookies. And things get very, very messy…


If you understand how life rolls — and can throw up your hands and enjoy this wild ride — then the dips, twists, flips and rolls can become some of the richest moments of your life.

“Rich” because you’re present. Awake. Oh-so-alive. (Even if there’s sadness, frustration or sorrow present, too.)

And that’s ALWAYS better than having your head in the sand or your foot on the breaks.

Face it: Even the most spiritual Souls have a pissy day once in a while. Everyone wakes up on the wrong side of the bed. Everyone has a bad hair day. And everyone hits a pothole now and then on the road of life.

Resist what life brings your way, and you become tight. Brittle. Small.

Allow experiences, emotions and thoughts to float through you like clouds, and they don’t stay for long.

When you learn to flow with what lands on your doorstep, even the biggest challenges become massive gifts.

Every contorted twist has taught me a powerful insight. The things I prize most about myself today have come 100% directly from life’s deepest dips. They are the areas where I’m the strongest.  I wouldn’t change them for the world… However painful. However hard.

So welcome the tough stuff. Throw your arms open! Luv it up…

And PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE stop thinking there’s something wrong with you when trouble rings your doorbell.

It doesn’t mean you’ve screwed up; are cursed; or you’re unworthy.

Far from it.

It means you’re engaged with life. Willing to play big. And ready to roll…

My best advice: Learn to trust EVERYTHING. Because I believe that whatever happens is merely a requirement for your Soul’s unique journey and unfolding.

You may just discover that the faster you embrace the bumps, and learn from each challenge, the quicker they lift you to life’s next juicy high…

This week, share what YOUR life would be like if you ditched the myth that you had to “get it all together”. What’s possible if you knew that you were enough – no matter what was happening throughout your life? How would that change your career, your mission, your relationships and your chutzpah?

Share your thoughts in the comment section below — Unstoppable minds what to know!


© 2012 Stephanie McWilliams LLC

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