Just DO IT!

Today I’m feeling exhilarated. Want to know WHY?

Because I did something for the very first time.

I’ve been wanting to start creating videos for upcoming Unstoppable You events, programs and newsletters. But for whatever reason, real life, to-do lists, and more “familiar” activities kept getting in my way.

But I know this feeling all too well at this stage of my game: it’s that gut-level knowing that I’m in resistance-mode (or perhaps more accurately: “Blow It All Out Of Proportion” mode) regarding video shoots.

So I did what any Unstoppable Red-Head would do: I went ahead and booked the studio!

Sure, I have other things FAR more pressing on my plate. Fires to put out. Things to finish. Deadlines to meet.

But 1 HUGE thing I’ve learned these past several years is this:

If you don’t work really-meaningful, super-fulfilling, uber-important things into your calendar, they simply never ever EVER get done.

Just the act of booking the space set 1 important dream into motion… and NOTHING feels better than that!

Well, almost nothing.

What felt even better was actually going to the shoot today, playing in the studio, and setting my video-shootin’ mojo back into action.


And what’s fascinating is many others around me are doing the very same thing this week. I received 6 emails just in the past few days – all from women who’ve done this too – taking 1 big leap into something brand-spankin’ new (and rocking their own worlds because of it).

They took something they’ve wanted to do… and just DID IT!

So what about you? What’s something YOU’VE been longing to do?

Sure, you’ll be scared.


Actually, you may feel downright terrified at moments.


However uncomfortable you feel. However much your brain tries to scare you out of it . . .


Once you do, you’ll realize it won’t kill you. In fact, it is the VERY thing — the ONLY thing — that will make you feel totally and utterly, 100% unstoppable!

So this week, try doing something you’ve been putting off, or scared to pursue. There’s nothing much more satisfying in all of life than leaping a big hurdle and living to tell the tale.

It’s a kind of sweet satisfaction that little else in life can provide.

BUT BEWARE: If you’re hoping to get yourself feeling comfy-cozy about taking this big leap… think again!

The ONLY way to nix your nervousness, fear or discomfort is by JUST DOING IT.

Then, and only then, does the fear go away.

You’ll NEVER feel “ready.”
You’ll NEVER feel “smart enough.”
You’ll NEVER feel “thin enough.”

In fact, I still feel ALL of those things on a daily basis! And so does every other successful person I know. The only difference between you, and them, is that they don’t pay attention to fears — and instead pay attention only to their dreams.

Then they take actions accordingly.

So… Want satisfaction in your life?

The only way to it is through it.

So go ahead. Do it anyway…. Whatever your Soul longs to do, experience, taste, feel or achieve.

Trust me: Your Soul is NEVER wrong. So give her what she wants already…


And, as always, make sure to share what hurdle YOU’D like to jump this week.

(Unstoppable minds want to know…)

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