Octopus Tentacles and weird Finger-Puppet-People

Hey there, Luv-Bug!

So, there’s a funny lil’ image that my Guides have been showing to me for many months now — one that I use DAILY for myself, and all my private mentorship clients.

And I thought it might benefit YOU today, too.

Simply because the struggles that you and I face in this life always come from our PERSPECTIVES on things.

And those perspectives stem from the fact that you and I have pretty strong associations with our human identity, personality, body, and life circumstances. (Basically all that good ol’ stuff that you can taste, touch, feel, sniff and see.)

But when that’s ALL you’re aware of… it’s easy to get overly attached to it, too. And uber-annoyed when things don’t go “your way”. (Which is what causes all of problems.)

Yet your 3D reality is just the teensy-tiniest-tip of the ol’ Spiritual Iceberg…

So I want you to imagine that there is a HUGE WHITE [INVISIBLE] OCTOPUS — as big as your mind can imagine! With infinite tentacles spiraling and twisting out from every side…

Now imagine at the end of each of these Tentacles is a strange-looking sweater.

(Sort of like a giant Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest, gone bonkers…)

And those weird, wacky Sweaters on the ends of each tentacle? Well… Those are YOU. And ME. (And every other person on the planet.)

Each Sweater is an elaborately woven creation — making up the very unique personality that you possess.

Your unique “Sweater” is one that you’ve woven throughout your life — reflecting your past experiences, strengths, wounds, and most of all: your clever childhood coping mechanisms!

But your Sweater is merely your temporary human form (having very little to do with who you REALLY are).

The Tentacle that feed life into your “Sweater-Self” — is your SOUL. (Which is your truer, HIGHER self.)

For thousands upon endless thousands of years, our “Sweater Selves” have been bumping up against one another, in complete OBLIVION to our invisible “Tentacle” natures — fighting other Sweaters, feeling jealous of other Sweaters, wishing we were another kind of Sweater altogether… and usually trying to dismantle our own Sweaters repeatedly, in attempt to be accepted amongst our local Sweater-Societies.

But things, they are a’ changin’… WOOT-WOOT!!!!!

The hertz frequency has raised on the planet. The veil is lifting. Our Spidey-Senses are being heightened, bigtime.

And those formerly-invisible tentacles? — Well, for some of us, they’re not so “invisible” anymore. (Even if you can’t see them, many Unstoppable women are sensing their tentacle natures now… Whew! )

And the more that you and I wake up to this higher truth, the easier all of life becomes…

This is why I wear this Octopus Tentacle ring every day — to remind me of who I REALLY am. (And what really matters.)

It helps me remember that I am a perfect, infinite, untouchable SOUL first… and “Stephanie” a distant second.

Because that is what’s TRUE. (At least in my book.)

As my Guides remind me pretty much every single day:

“Stephanie, you must learn to SEE yourself clearly — as a spark of God itself.”

Because when you switch your perspective — from “HUMAN-YOU” to “SOUL-YOU” — you also start looking at EVERYTHING and EVERYONE from the eyes of Source-perspective, too.

(And then… it’s pretty darn impossible to find a problem. ANYWHERE.)

So it’s time to stop associating your IDENTITY with your cute lil’ humanness… and retrain your brain to start thinking about yourself as a Soul, FIRST…

Because even in the midst of your worst times: you are ALWAYS connected to, supported by, and ravishingly-adored by Source…

(Even, and especially, when life circumstances seem to be out to unravel your sweet little Sweater!)

Your soulful “Tentacle-Self” is ALWAYS within you, a part of you — linking you to everything, everyone, and every beautiful Being throughout the Cosmos…

It just takes some practice, reframing, and mental-retraining to start seeing your life from a higher, clearer perspective.

You are, and always will be, SWIMMING in a giant sea of gushy, overflowing love, compassion and abundance! (Even when you can’t see it, sense it or believe it.)

And seriously: Who couldn’t use a reminder about THAT?

You can try all you want, search all you want, and ponder all you want outside of yourself: But there’s NOTHING you can do to ever be separated from Source.

So stop looking OUTSIDE for God. Or see yourself as LESS than Source-energy.

Turn INWARD to get reconnected to that Sacred Tentacle that you are…

Just like a finger puppet on the hand of the Divine — it’s time to stop seeing yourself as the PUPPET… and realize that your TRUEST nature is the Puppet-Master itself.

You are a spark of God, gazing THROUGH human eyes.

You are the OBSERVER that is witnessing your human life.

Knowing you are a part of the Divine helps you THINK and SEE like the Divine, too.

(And that just makes for a darn Happier Camper, don’tcha think?)

PLUS, BONUS-PERK: You’ll always get WAY less annoyed with fellow puppet-people — once you realize they ARE you, at your Tentacle-Core.

(And seriously: Fightin’ with fellow finger-puppets is just downright WEIRD!!!)

At the end of the day (and the end of your tentacle)… we’re all made of the same soulful Star-Stuff, Sistah!!!!

And even though at times you may feel terribly alone or that something is dreadfully wrong with your Sweater — my Guides have reminded me time and time again that this is totally, utterly IMPOSSIBLE.

(Just because you can’t see or feel it — doesn’t meant that there aren’t countless Souls surrounding you and supporting you, 24-7.)

Forever connected. And never alone.

Because you are EXQUISITELY special. Important. Needed. Beautiful. And loved.

By me. By all your other Tentacles-Sisters and Brothers. …And by the Big Mama-Octopus in the Sky!

(Never forget it.)

So, I hope this makes some bit of difference to one (or more) of you reading this… I’d love to hear your comments! Just reply to this email and share away…

Till next week… go rock your Tentacle, Sister!!!!!

Be Unstoppable —


PS: FULL DISCLOSURE –– My own Octopus-Sweater is most definitely: Cosmic Christmas Kittens riding Interstellar-Pizza. (Just sayin’.)

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