So a Brain Walks into a Bar…

You MUST Master the Psychology of Sales — or Your Business Will Never Make a Profit. 


A pink, squishy Brain walks into a bar . . .

The brain grabs a stool and plops itself down beside an adorable, bright-eyed, energetic Entrepreneur (much like yourself), and is instantly attracted to her radiant energy.

The brain immediately starts to tell the heartfelt Entrepreneur everything on it’s mind: It’s fears about losing it’s job, struggles to lose a few pounds,  and anxiety over whether it’s lover might leave it for a younger brain.

Wow!” says the Entrepreneur, “It must be FATE that you sat down beside ME  –I’ve got JUST the thing!

OK, so first we’ve got to fluff your energy field and get you tuned back into your 6th-dimensional Spirit Guides. Then we’ll detox your gray matter, reboot all your belief systems and teach you how to love yourself unconditionally. Doesn’t that sound GREAT?”

The Brain sat quietly, listening to the optimistic woman. (And if brains actually had eyes…or hands…this one would have given her a loooooong, blank stare, and scratched it’s head.)

After several awkward moments of silence, the Brain finally rolled down off the bar stool, and exited the establishment from same door it entered just a few minutes before.

The Entrepreneur just sat there, befuddled – wondering what had gone wrong…

And from the parking lot, the Brain turned back wistfully and mumbled to itself:

“Too bad – I REALLY liked her!  If only she had a way to help me make more money, lose weight, or feel sexier, I would have hired her on the spot!”

The moral of this odd tale? If you want to make money, you’ve got to master 1 thing:

The Psychology of SALES.

What does this MEAN exactly?

It’s the art of understanding why the human brain decides WHAT to buy.

And unfortunately, if you don’t understand this, your business will likely never take off.

Here’s the IRONIC thing: While most touchy-feel-y entrepreneurs like you and I are awesome at empathizing with others – we often SUCK at understanding where a prospects “brain” is at when they choose to buy, shop and spend.

Because here’s the wisdom I tell ALL of my private Diamond clients:

Just because you’ve got rockin’ skills, it doesn’t matter squat-doodle to your prospect’s frontal lobe. BRAINS whip out the Visa, Mastercard or American Express — not SOULS.

So you’ve got to stop speaking, writing, and selling from a lofty, enlightened place (even though that might feel counter-intuitive, or downright wrong).

Instead, you’ve got to get into your ideal client’s head and see what makes their BRAIN “tick”.

• What problems are they having?

• What do their BRAINS want the most?

• What’s keeping them up at night?

• What woes have them  whirling ’round their Worry-mobile?

To really grasp this concept, imagine a doorway that opens into a long, sparkling hallway — a hallway that leads directly into a room filled with GOLD!

The DOORWAY is your offer – the tantilizing, glowing beacon that signals the right people to step closer and come inside. It’s the flashing neon sign saying: “Golden-Filled Room – Right This Way!

The HALLWAY is your skills, talents, training and processes. It how and where you transform people’s lives — getting them from point A, to B.

The GOLDEN ROOM is the results people get. It reflects the awe-inspiring possibilities that awaiting once someone has worked with you.

The problem is: Most people talk about the HALLWAY when discussing their services.

And guess what? Brains don’t give a flying-monkey-nugget about the hallway. 

They want the freakin’ golden room. Anything less is of 0 interest.

So what do you do with this wisdom?

Just follow these simple steps the next time you’re talking to a dreamy prospect:


You’ve got to get anchored, with both feet on the ground – so you can look at your prospect’s life from their real-life vantage-point.


WHen you step into their shoes, what’s life really like? What problems, worries or challenges come up day after day after day?


Take the super-skills that you’ve got and ask yourself: How can I use what I do to solve a real-life problem for this prospect’s brain?

If you embrace this core human concept, you’ll be 10,000x more likely to make a profit.

If you don’t? Well, welcome to Brokesville, baby…

So try this out this week — and post your results. Or if you’re STUMPED at how you can apply this in your business, simply leave a comment below and I’m happy to help.

Until next week, be Unstoppable!


© 2013 Stephanie McWilliams LLC

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