Smart Phones, Email + Facebook…Oh My!

Spending your time with purpose, power and potency.

I was at a party recently and noticed a strange phenomenon: While most were mixing and mingling, there were several others glued to their cell phones – texting incessantly and checking their email.

(I used to be 1 of these people.)

I also hear the same strange phenomenon happening in the daily lives of my clients: women who SAY they want to build successful businesses… but are spending hours a day on social media, the internet, email, etc.

But the technology age is here to stay.

Which is why it’s 10,000x more important than ever to make sure you are in control of technology. (And not vice-versa.)

But from what I’m seeing, that’s not happening. Most women are falling victim to the hypnotic powers of technology – rendered helpless to the magnetic pulls of their smart phones, internet surfing and email-checking…

Make no mistake: this isn’t a small issue. It’s HUGE!

It’s a Life-Waster. Deal-Breaker. Dream-Crusher. (Ouch.)

And just because “everyone’s doing it” in NO way means that it’s a good thing to do. Quite the opposite.

So if you’ve got social media, email and all-things-internet velcroed to your energy field, then you have to start by being honest: You’re an addict.

No. I’m serious. A-D-D-I-C-T.

(Don’t take this too hard, though: Everyone’s an addict with SOMETHING!)

Every time you hear the “ding!” of a new email, or lose yourself for hours on the internet, your brain is getting flooded with good feelin’ chemicals.

Biologically, it’s as if you’re an 8 year old unwrapping birthday presents – all day long, EVERY SINGLE DAY. Your brain, sitting up straight – trained, alert and awaiting that next wonderful “hit”, just like Pavlov’s dog.

“Maybe THIS is the email that says I’ve finally won the lottery?”
“Maybe THIS is the moment that I learn life’s biggest secret?”
“Maybe THIS is a message oozing with unconditional, gushy love?”

Whatever your drug of choice, it’s important to understand what’s REALLY going on. If not, you’ll fall under technology’s spell – barraged for eternity in it’s never-ending onslaught of information + stimulus-overload.

And I promise, it will grind your life mission to a tire-screeching halt.

No, there’s nothing wrong with information. But if you’re spending 1, 2, 3+ hours a day futzing with email or posting on Facebook – versus building relationships; working on a smart business plan; creating lasting memories; or strengthening your creative muscle – then something’s VERY wrong.

You need to be spending time connecting to your Higher Power. Honing your craft. Taking bold moves. Acting on your intution.

You need to be moving your body. Eating healthy food. Kissing your sweetie. And just being here. Now. Living your life.

NOT missing it by going “Internet-Unconscious”.

So what will it take to get your priorities straight?

I don’t mean to be the bringer of doom, but… If you don’t make a hard-core change, you’ll end up at the end of your life with your divine gifts still locked tight inside you. You’ll realize that for all these years you’ve been tricked into a false-sense of accomplishment. You’ve spun your wheels getting pulled into the vortex of life’s seductive distractions.

Just because your brain is running, your fingers are moving, and more information is flooding in does NOT mean that you’re any more fulfilled. Or your life is more meaningful. In fact, probably quite the opposite.

And if you’re like me – a woman on a mission – it’s important that your PURPOSE lead your life.

So write down what’s MOST important to you in life. At the end of this wild-ride, what will you look back on and delight in the most?

Then take a look at how you’re spending your time. (Consider tracking it for 1 week to get a clearer picture of what’s taking place). What’s watering down your life’s potency?

Consider things like: emailing, internet-surfing, watching TV, and talking too long on the phone. Or how about getting lost in paperwork, snail-mail, clutter and visual noise? Perhaps you’re stuck in outdated commitments, connections… or even a career?

Ask yourself honestly: Are your actions in alignment with your bigger purpose? Do your choices reflect what’s most deeply meaningful for you?

If your answer is “NO” to any of your daily actions, take 15 minutes to brainstorm other options. What would life look like if your time and actions WERE 100% in alignment with your spiritual calling?

What would be possible if you lived your life on purpose, full-out, at 100% – without distraction?

Promise yourself that you’ll make 1 small shift to 1 activity this week. Perhaps you’ll only check email 2x a day. Or you’ll watch less TV (and ready a great book instead). Or how about you only check Facebook after your MOST important (and lucrative) tasks are finished for the day?

What magic could you make if you had 10+ hours added to your month? Your week? …Even your DAY?

Share what you’re excited to transform this week in the comment section below.

And here’s to a powerful, potent, purpose-filled future!

© 2012 Stephanie McWilliams LLC IMAGE

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