The 11 Money Types — Which 1 are you?


Whether you know it or not, it’s an outer expression of your inner beliefs. Trust me, you can tell a lot about what’s going on within a person by how they treat money.

Sadly, most women are out there working hard to change their relationship with money. They try dealing with it head on. But money is NEVER the problem. It’s merely a symptom of something else that’s off within you. Get to the heart of THAT, and poof! Change appears…

But first things first: you have to know HOW you’re uniquely relating to money in order to get to the root issue.

So today I invite you to take a quick quiz to find out what Money Personality Type you are (you can be more than 1, but pick the 1 that describes you MOST).

This will allow you to explore how your inner dis-ease is expressing itself as a money symptom. Because as you know, there’s no better way to begin healing, strengthening or transforming something in your life than become aware of what’s actually happening.

Ready to get started? Let’s begin!


A flashy woman believe that her belongings reflects her self worth, and without them she would be less loveable. The thought of being without her prized possessions (maybe a fancy car, designer labels, swanky handbags or a beautiful home) sends her into panic. “Who would I be without my STUFF?” is a terrifying thought to her.


A guilty women also doesn’t feel “good enough” at her core. She often gives money to people — not from genuine generosity, but from an inability to say “no.” Whether it’s for the local charity, a homeless person or the tip for a waiter, she gives from a place of fear. Often times “Guilty” women will attempt to BUY people’s love. She over-gives in order to feel worthy.


A woman who’s shameful around money believes it is dirty, bad or evil in some way. She may think that others will view her as snobby if she appears to have more. She may worry about being ostracized, abandoned or judged by those she loves. A shameful woman will often hide how much money she has, lie about her net worth, or give away money.


A dramatic woman unconsciously uses money to create strong emotions within her life. When life has caused her to become fearful of living big, expressing her mission, or feeling her joyful emotions, she finds other unhealthy avenues to release this energy. She may herself in extreme financial catastrophes, huge money upheavals, or living constantly on the “edge” of financial disaster.


A dependent woman secretly relies on others for her financial well-being. She has a core belief that she cannot take care of herself in this area, and dreams of winning the lottery, getting an inheritance, meeting Prince Charming, putting too much faith in a financial guru, or counting on Social Security to save her. She lacks trust in her own creative abilities, and turns to others, instead of herself, for the answers.


An insatiable woman spends money to fill an inner void. She will often find herself on buying sprees and shopping binges in a manic attempt to feel excitement and enthusiasm, only to have a money hangover the next day. She rarely gets lasting satisfaction from her purchases, and needs to buy more and more to get her “fix”. Her ravenous attempts to fill herself fail in the long-run.


A detached woman is either 1. Out of touch with the financial laws of cause-and-effect; or 2. has extreme “Head-in-Sand” Syndrome. She can either purchase items without a clear, conscious awareness of how she will pay for them – where money is almost “magical,” and credit cards are her best friend. Or she can put her head in the sand and ignore money altogether, often waking up 1 day to find herself in an extreme financial mess.


A controlling women has little faith in the abundance of the Universe. She watches every cent in a miserly manner, is stingy with those she loves, and often hoards objects and money because of a core “lack” mentality. She attempts to control her safety and security by controlling her savings and spending — in a way that lacks joy, freedom, adventure and love.


A punishing woman doesn’t believe that she’s worthy of feeling wonderful. She creates reminders throughout her life that she is unlovable by constantly living on the edge of financial ruin. This allows her to feel shameful and bad as often as possible as a way to punish herself for feeling “less” than others, often carrying on a legacy of past emotional abuse within herself and her life.


A worrier spends a lot of time thinking about, dealing with, or stressing out around money. She finds herself in situations where she’s constantly being hit with overdraft fees, bouncing checks and having to move money from 1 account to another just to keep her head above water. This exhausting experience keeps her from having to focus on her true life purpose.

11. LOVER:

A lover knows the truth about money. She understands that it simply an object that can be exchanged for those things she desires in life — from beautiful objects to amazing adventures. She delights in her pursuit of money, finds it endlessly exciting, and enjoys receiving, saving and spending it regularly. There is a strong flow of money in and out of her life. And she knows her precious perfection — whether there is money in the bank, or not. Because she understand the laws of the Universe and knows at any moment she can create more money. Life is rich, joyful and endlessly abundant for her!

So which personality type are YOU???

If you’re having trouble, ask a friend, family member or your romantic partner for their opinion – often they can see you more clearly than you may see yourself.

While sometimes it can feel stressful to look at this, it’s the only way to begin making real change. As they say, “The Truth Shall Set You Free” (and I couldn’t agree more).

Now, don’t use this “type” to beat yourself up. Use it as fascinating information about what you’re innocently believing about the world.

Once you know your unique way of expressing your beliefs through your use of money, you can begin to make changes.

No matter which category you fall into, I’ll be teaching you ways you can bring yourself back into balance in our upcoming “Unstoppable Money” Program that starts this Tuesday, Feburary 7th – so bring the results of this quiz to class!

If you haven’t signed up yet, there’s still time to get in on the 50% savings that ends Sunday night at midnight (February 5th):

And make sure to share what YOUR money personality type is in the comment section below. Or share questions you have about the results of your quiz – I’d love to connect!

Big, abundant love to you!


© Copyright 2012  Stephanie McWilliams LLC





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