The Harder you Push — the SLOWER your Results!

How “Efforting” Too Much in Your Business May be REPELLING Great Clients



Has this ever happened to you:

You’re itchin’ to get more clients . . .

You lift up your chin, and stick out your boobs . . .

And head out into the world (or networking event, conference, party, etc.) – business-card-guns a’ blazin’ . . .

Only to get absolutely NOWHERE.

No great prospects. No great leads. No great stories to tell.  And a whole lotta hours burned away chasin’ that elusive “Next Great Client”.

(The one you’re so desperate to find.)

But what you may NOT have known is this:

Pushing hard, moving fast, and chasing leads is, hands-down, the best way to scare off prospective clients.

No, not just scare them — REPELL them!!!

You heard me.

All that efforting is inadvertently telling the world that there’s lack in your life – and you’re the gal to fill ‘er right up! (Or so you think.)

It’s announcing (energetically) to the world: “I have 0 faith that life will take care of me, thank you very much. Now let me get back to my busy day o’ struggling!”

To say it bluntly: It reeks of desperation.

Many of us suffer from a quiet, nagging, almost imperceptible fear that the ball will drop, we won’t be OK, and/or something terrible may happen.

Yup, my brain is in the same club too, sometimes. (Welcome to being human!)

But that old, outdated thinking puts a major strain on your heart, mission, and even your immune system.

So walking into a room, starting a sales conversation, or sharing what you do with a total stranger — with the idea that you have to rope and wrestle that next client to the ground  — is not only uncomfortable for YOU, but really uncomfortable to your prospects.

I’m seeing far too many women running themselves outright ragged — thinking that the more they’re moving, the harder they’re grinding away, and the more they’re plowing forward, the more clients they’ll scoop up.

But being “busy” does NOT = business success.  Quite the opposite.

And if you do this:

• You’ll end up working HARD (not SMART).

• You’ll push people AWAY (instead of attracting them IN).

• You’ll come across as NEEDY or SELF-ABSORBED (instead of wise and loving).

So if that describes YOU (perhaps not all the time – but now and then):

How’s that workin’ for ya?

Just step back for a moment and look at what you’re REALLY doing:

When you are in fear-mode (ie. thinking you’re all alone in this world, and if you don’t go hunt ‘em down, you’ll go into client-starvation), you are focusing on LACK.

• Lack of clients.

• Lack of support.

• Lack of abundance from the big wide, wonderful world around you.

It’s like waving a big giant red flag to the Universe, with the words: “PLEASE DON’T SEND ANYTHING GOOD MY WAY — I PREFER STRUGGLE! THNX.”

You’re inadvertently pouring a pink gallon of gasoline all over your business – focusing on your problem and getting tons more of it! — wondering why everywhere you look, there’s nothing but smoldering desolation.


What’s required are some daily (or hourly!) “Sanity Sessions” where you get grounded, remind yourself of how things really work on this planet — and get your sights set on what you DESIRE(not what you dread).

— You’ve got to talk to prospects as if you’ve already got a booked-solid practice…

— You have to talk about your services as if you’ve got a TON of moolah sitting in the bank…

— You’ve got to share your gifts as if you’re doing this for FUN (not for “work”)…

Because baby, you ARE.

So go focus on loving people up.

Focus on providing value + service.

(And STOP focusing on yourself!)

That’s when great things start to happen… and you fall head-over-heels in love with your business, your clients, and your life.

The awe-inspiring beauty of a single red rose doesn’t go chasing after every bumble-bee she meets, begging for some pollen.

No. She stands strong. Trusting. Wise. Radiant.

And as she blossoms brightly, the bee comes to HER.

So this week, BE the rose.

And watch the magic that awaits!


© 2013 Stephanie McWilliams LLC


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