The Wright Brothers didn’t have a Pilot’s License

When You Think You’re Not Ready to Soar, Think Again!

There’s 1 thing that frustrates the hell out of me:

Education Junkies.

They are smart women who could be changing the world bare-handed — but are using “education” as the excuse to keep themselves stuck.

BEWARE: The trap looks like this: Cute lil’ ol’ you — taking endless certifications, classes, programs + trainings — so you never have to get your butt out there and working with clients. (Or worse yet, buying endless trainings but letting them collect dust on the shelf.)

If you think certifications will ever truly prepare you for the real-world experience of working with peeps, you’ve got another thing coming.

It’s just like kids coming out of college: sure, they’ve learned some cool stuff in class, but 99% of what they’ll need for future success will be learned in only 1 place, and 1 place only: out in the good ol’ REAL WORLD!!!!!

I’m not dissing trainings, mentorships and certifications. Far from it. In many fields, they are of utmost importance! You always want to know your craft, and know it well.

BUT… if you’ve learned a thing or two – and could help someone get from point A to point B more gracefully, skillfully, quickly or joyfully — it’s your downright duty to go out there and make your awesomeness KNOWN!

And on the flipside of this coin: plenty of folks are walking around with certifications out the Wazoooo! But just because someone’s got a degree, it doesn’t necessarily mean they know squat-doodle. Some of the most book-smart people I’ve ever met were outright goofballs when it came to intuitive smarts or real-life savvy.

And get this: Most ALL of my mentors had 0 certifications in their area of expertise. ZIP! None. Nada.

Here’s what you’ve got to get clear on and claim:

How VAULABLE are your natural gifts, talents and powers? What has life itself CAUSED you to learn, strengthen or grow within you?

If you’re like most women I talk to, you’ve got some serious super-skills and aren’t valuing them enough (understatement).

If you know you’ve got game – it’s your obligation to get out there and PLAY, damn it!

And just as a reality-check, some of the most brilliant people to walk the earth didn’t have diplomas littering their walls:

George Washington didn’t make it past elementary school.

Rachel Ray hasn’t had a lick of culinary training.

Bill Gates was a college drop-out.

Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t have a diploma.

Steven Spielberg bailed on college.

Sir Richard Branson left boarding school at the age of 16.

Kevin Bacon is a High School Dropout.

Warren Buffet left after 2 years of college.

While education is SO important – it can happen in far more places than behind a desk, in a lecture hall, or in a weekend training program. Don’t diminish what gifts life has handed you. Don’t poo-poo the talents that you’ve worked hard to perfect.

What matters more than book-smarts and diplomas is your chutzpah and confidence. Your brilliance and your boldness. Your determination and drive.

It’s what you DO with the gifts you’ve been given that matters most.

Now, make no mistake: you’re not going to go practice medicine without a degree, or break the law in some crazy way. But within life’s limitations there is SO much you can give to those just waiting to receive.

The Wright Brothers didn’t have pilots licenses. But they flew anyway.

They didn’t listen to other’s limitations. They knew they could fly — and soar they did!

So where does your heart want to soar? And are you unstoppable enough to step right up — and fly anyway?

The entire world can be transformed by 1 teensy-tiny person living in alignment. In fact, just 1 “on-purpose” Soul outweighs millions who aren’t living their mission.

But you have to step up to the plate in order to get a swing at bat.

How will YOU show up bravely for the life laid out before you? What difference will you make? How many lives will you touch?

Share in the comments section below with your fellow Sisters – because the sky’s the limit for an Unstoppable gal like YOU!


© 2012 Stephanie McWilliams LLC

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