Top 10 Traits of Unstoppable Women:

There’s a lot of false information out there about what being unstoppable truly means. It’s easy to get confused, befuddled or downright discouraged –– thinking you have to become a super-model, a super-human or a super-star.

Nothing could be farther from the truth.

To become an “Unstoppable” (a woman who lets nothing get between her and her dreams) doesn’t require anything that you don’t already possess. Yes, you’ll need to make a few strategic shifts to your thinking and your habits — but trust me, the end result is far easier, way more fulfilling and tons more delightful than staying stuck or standing still.

So enjoy the 10 traits below — and make sure to share your thoughts at the end.

(1 lucky reader will win a very “unstoppable” prize — definitely don’t miss out on that!)

10.  Unstoppables are patient.

They know that Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither are big dreams. They also have a keen awareness that baby steps lead to some pretty groovy accomplishments over time.

9. Unstoppables don’t shoot for perfection.

They don’t paralyze themselves trying to get everything 100% “right”.  They don’t buy into the crazy illusion (or rather, delusion) of perfection because they know in their bones that everything (and everyone) is divine perfection already.

8. Unstoppables stick together.

They realize they’re never alone, and team with other Unstoppables to inspire them forward. They aren’t afraid to reach out for help, guidance and support, and never act in a way that diminishes, defeats or demeans another.

7. Unstoppables embrace failure.

They see failures merely as opportunities to clarify, grow and learn, and as puzzles to be solved. They know any failure is only a sign that they are living bigger, taking bolder risks and putting themselves out there like never before.

6. Unstoppables don’t “DO” life.

They understand that pushing, forcing and “making” life happen is futile (and exhausting). Instead they stay energetically tuned to an expansive, joyful vortex of feelings — the secret sauce  responsible for all of life’s miracles.

5. Unstoppables never ever believe their brain.

They understand that the brain is merely a super-cool computer that has perks, and flaws. The brain = great Servant; but suck-o Leader.  Instead, they allow Source to lead their life, and only use their brains for driving, taxes, dishes and dialing the phone.

4. Unstoppables take full responsibility for their lives.

They realize they are energetic Beings — with their outside world merely a reflection of their internal beliefs. Even in good times, they know that joy starts within, allowing them to feel fabulous in any circumstance.  

3. They never take “NO” for an answer.

They know that if they can dream it, then they can achieve it — trusting their gut feelings over logic, limitations or the doubts of others. They never ever give up — setting goals that seem impossible — then find a way to do them anyway.

2. Unstoppables aren’t afraid to strut their stuff.

They don’t compare themselves to others. Instead they embrace their innate gifts and core essence, and they ain’t afraid to flaunt it! They know in their bones they are an expression of the Divine, and trust that they are, in fact, enough — as is.

1.Unstoppables never ever EVER give up.

They get sick, have bad days, hit roadblocks and other pain-in-the-arse challenges. It’s what they DO with these challenges that sets them apart from the rest. They take action anyway — even if they are afraid, uncertain or generally feeling lousy.

So of the 10 traits above, where do you excel? Where do you struggling?

Take time out to pat yourself on the back for those that you’ve already embraced. Then choose 1 of the challenging traits above and write down at least 3 ways you can implement new ideas, activities, behaviors or habits into your life this week.

Make sure to check in every day to keep yourself focused — celebrating even the (seemingly) small achievements. And be patient, gentle and curious if anything gets in your way. When making big change, it’s easy to have sneaky saboteurs pop out of nowhere to test your resolve.

Then share your results below in the “comments” section. I’ll be selecting 1 woman as this week’s winner of a gorgeous “I AM UNSTOPPABLE” charm — the same 1 I wear day in, day out, to remind me of my own unstoppable nature.

Winners will be announced in next week’s newsletter.

Good luck!


© 2011 Stephanie McWilliams LLC

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