You’re Never Too Old

What to do when your Head says that You’re Too Old to Live your Mission

Have you ever told yourself: “I’m just too old to…”

• hoola-hoop?
• wear polka-dots?
• ride in the shopping cart?
• live out your mission?

Whatever it is, that mythology that age limits you in any way is total B.S. Especially when it comes to living your dreams.

Every week I hear women tell me that they’re afraid to start a business, change jobs, explore new territory or take a big risk. Why? Because they’re just too darn OLD.

Even women in their 30’s, 40’s and 50’s say this about various topics – feeling as if they’ve wasted too much time, are “behind” in some way, and stressing themselves out royally.

And there’s no better way to grind your progress to a halt than by feeding yourself a big pile of mental doody.

Women are living longer. Women are having multiple careers throughout their lives. Women are retiring much later (if at all). And women are starting new businesses in their 60’s, 70’s and beyond.

It’s true.

The mythology that there’s a certain age when you should just pack it in, call it a day, hold back or tone it down is long gone.

No matter what your age, it’s time to think outside the box, free yourself from all outdated limitations, and try on new ideas for as long as your heart can daydream…

So where are you telling yourself you’re past your prime? Where have you cut off your own supply of creativity, giggliness, wonder and awe? And what would your life look like from this day forward if your cerebral computer was wiped clean of all beliefs that “age” even existed in the first place?

What would you do? Put on? Say aloud? Or try out? How would you walk, talk or shake your groove-thang?

How big would you play if you believed you got better, smarter, wiser and more smokin’ hot with every year you walked the Earth?

What if young people bowed down before you with each passing birthday — simply to celebrate your ever-expanding unstoppability?

What if crowds snapped your photo, asked for your autograph, and mimicked your magnificence in the attempt to wiggle their way closer to your wonderfulness?

“But Stephanie, that’s not the way the world works!”

Trust me. Try walking out the door today with THIS attitude, and you’ll be like a sassy Pied Piper, with strangers eager to find out your rare, radiant magic!

Age is just a belief. Being a woman is just a thought. And limitations are just a story. It’s up to you whether you buy into these tales, or not.

So share what would be possible for YOU if age was no longer a limitation, but rather a flauntable feature by sharing your insights in the comments section below.

“La Heim!”

© 2012 Stephanie McWilliams LLC

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