3 Ways Your Energy-Approach is Likely Sabotaging Your Success…and 3 Tips for Turning Things Around!

You’re familiar with the saying “It’s the thought that counts!” It’s true: your intentions makes for most all of the success you’ll experience in life. So putting your best (energetic) foot forward can be one of the biggest steps in turning troubles into triumphs.

But many people get tripped up when attempting to manifest their dreams. So often I see my clients innocently and unknowingly putting their WORST (energetic) foot forward, and then beating themselves up when things don’t turn out as they’d hoped.

Never you fear – you can turn everything around today! Here’s a quick crash-course in aligning yourself, your energy and your attitude in a way that will help you stay in the flow and attract more abundance from the world around you.


1. Pushing

The American way seems to be “MORE, BIGGER, FASTER!”, yet that sort of energy is in exact opposition to the optimal spiritual state. Pushing to make things happen in your life, and creating aggressive plans for your future is basically like… well… playing God (a daunting and draining task for a mere mortal like yourself)!

I love the saying: “I make plans…and then life happens” (which defines this point exactly). Being dogmatic and pushing with our energy and actions just tells the world that we don’t trust the mysteries of the Universe, and we have to pave the way ourselves. Pushing comes from fear – fear that life won’t be ok unless you grab the reigns and whip life’s chariot over the finish line.

Pushing also burns out the body and can wipe out your adrenals (as this former NYC girl knows about first-hand). This way of living not only drains the body of vital reserves, but it also represents a person lacking in faith, which blocks the flow of divine intuition from flooding into your life through your mind, your actions and through miracles.

2. Pulling

If you find yourself living your energetic life like someone dying of thirst in the desert, ravenous to gobble up whatever life crumbs you can find – then you most definitely are a “Puller”.

Pulling is another classic way of getting off-course with your manifesting goals. Pulling shows up when you clutch, grab and grope for life’s opportunities, telling the world you have little faith that you – just as you are in this moment – are enough.

Pulling can make you competitive – causing you to steal time, pleasures and opportunities out of the belief that there is not enough to go around, and the world’s resources are limited. Once again, this stems from an innate fear and spiritual impoverishment. It’s a hopeless attempt to fill an inner void with stuff rather than Soul.

3. Protecting

If you don’t fit into number 1 or number 2, then likely you fit into this third category: Protecting. Protecting is when you simply shut down, give up or hide from certain parts of your life. Instead of engaging in life, you instead have thrown up your hands, likely from past hurts, pains, resentments or disappointments.

While the first two categories have peoples’ energetic tentacles all in an external twist, Protectors have their tentacles tucked deep down inside to prevent further pain.

But nothing hurts worse than a life half-lived, dreams unfulfilled, or hearts long closed. Noticing those ways that you’ve given up energetically – either in relationships, with your health, with your spiritual connection, career goals or with your life’s purpose – will help put your boat back into life’s magical waters instead of leaving you frustrated and floundering up on the shore.

But don’t worry if you find yourself falling into the above categories. There’s good news! Everyone struggles with these energetic imbalances from time-to-time no matter what your spiritual savvy, and everyone can shift these patterns in any given moment. So let’s explore your ideal options, and try some on for size today:


1. “Being”

Are you a human “doing”, rather than a human BE-ing? Likely you’re nodding your head “yes” (and if you’re not, you’re simply too busy doing something to respond).

Being is the state of being fully alive, full-filled and open-hearted in this very moment. It’s the state of being present to all of the abundance already surrounding you. It’s the awareness of your own beautiful blessing on the planet, and of all of the bounty that fills your life. Being is love. Being is grace.

Being-ness is still and silent. It is vast and aware. It is connected and fearless. From a state of “being” you can be present and can respond to those subtle impulses from your body telling you how to move and what to feed it for optimal health. From a state of “being” you can tune in and hear soft intuitive whispers telling you where to go and what to do next.

Being allows Source to work through you – providing an open channel and humble heartfelt willingness to heed your inner calling and embrace the newness and wonder of every moment. It is a state of flow vs. contraction; love vs. fear; openness vs. ego.

2. Blossoming

Just like the beauty of an orchid, the energy of blossoming stems from a state of trust, allowing your own gorgeous and innate gifts, passions, heart and talents to flow easily and effortlessly from you. Like water overflowing from a full glass, the abundance of your Spirit can pour gently out into the world.

Or like a flower slowly unfolding, growing, reaching out and opening it’s buds, “blossoming” is a gentle, natural, slow process – for the flower trusts the cycles of life and doesn’t fight against anything. A flower moves with the sun and the seasons. It accepts what surrounds it. And from this trust, it shines its beauty out into the world.

Blossoming is the act of touching, seeing and allowing your grace to unfold elegantly out into the world. It stems from the deepest and most profound sense of self-love, and this energetic beauty delights, uplifts and radiates out to everyone around you.

3. Beckoning

Like a magnet near a sheet of metal, beckoning is the state of radiating such a state of love, excitement, joy and passion that an array of life’s magic is instantly magnetized into your life. This energized, vibrant and alive energetic practice can literally draw people, situations and objects into your life with an effortless ease. There is no pushing, to reaching, no grabbing here. Beckoning is the natural pull of life, drawing like energy into yourself.

The more you learn to love, accept and allow all things – about yourself, others and life in general – the more Universal energy can flow through your spiritual pipeline. This tunes you to a higher vibration, creating a vortex for all things good to come into your life.

But don’t get excited! While this may sound similar to “Pulling”, it is NOT the same. This is not a manic high or a euphoric frenzy. Beckoning is merely the act of you standing in your own power, adoring all parts of yourself, and embracing your life as it is — right here, right now. It’s a state of fully and vibrantly being alive. It is the act of living in the power of Now.

You have the ability to end the cycle of energetic self-ssabotage and start living a life from a deeper, richer, stronger and more peaceful space. And while it takes practice to build your present-moment-muscle, it will bring you more joy, fulfillment and pleasure than any fleeting accomplishment, monetary gain or love affair can ever provide – I promise!

If you find it tough to stay present in your life, you’re in good company. I’m still a “Student of Stillness” myself…but the more you practice, the better you’ll get. So here’s to the beauty of YOU – not the person you push, pull or pretend to be, but rather who you are, JUST as you are. And trust me, that is, and always will be… enough.

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