5 Sad and Serious Ways that “WAITING” is Wrecking Your Life

waiting1Today I heard some familiar thoughts running through my head:

1. I’ll wait to go to the beach once I’ve finished more work.
2. I’ll take a break when I have accomplished a little more.
3. I’ll start that next book when I can find some free time.

You see, I know full well the ramifications of “waiting”. One-day thinking more often than not never comes. I spent a few decades playing the “waiting game”, and ended up instead feeling more like the biggest loser. So, to stay true to the topic, I’ve jumped in the car and am finishing this very piece FROM the beach. No more waiting for this sassy red head!

But what is this “waiting” phenomenon?

We all seem to be waiting for something…




Waiting for inner peace.
Waiting to be thinner.
Waiting for the right moment.
Waiting for our soul mate.
Waiting for the stars to align.

And then, we wait a lil’ bit more. ..

Waiting, while it often feels neutral, safe and benign, can be one of the biggest dangers for a special Soul like yours. Why? Because it keeps your life-raft up on the experiential shores — energetically unplugged from the flow and fun of that super-sweet thing called life.

While most of your fellow beings are waiting too, you can dangerously kid yourself into believing that it’s just the way of things —  and hold your own life back from experiencing 99% of what life actually has to offer.

Nothing saddens me more than seeing capable, beautiful, gifted women like yourself standing still and waiting for the circumstances of your life to perfectly align before you start to live full-out.

So here’s my kick in your “possibilities-pants” in order to get you diving into the world’s wild and wooly waters — because trust me, it’s far better to get wet than wait. Here are five very real reasons to bend over, dive in and dunk yourself into your own divinity, without waiting a single second more:

1. The Fear Will Never Go Away

If you’re waiting to feel less afraid of putting your unique talents or strengths into the world, you’re going to be waiting a long, long, long time. Most of us have been handed down a whole bucket full of myths around this topic, most all of which are big fat lies.  I hate to break this to you, but from personal experience, the fear only dissipates AS you take action, and not a second before. So there’s no time like the present to strut your stuff!

2. Your Life Won’t Ever Get Any Longer

Every moment that you wait… standing still and stuck in stagnancy, is just one precious moment lost forever. Many things in life you can get back: your reputation, money, a career or love. But time, once gone, is gone for good. So, there is no time more beautiful than right now to get off the stuck-stick and gobble up the glory of this perfect present moment — grab it while it’s hot!

3. You Won’t Ever Feel Good Enough

If you’re waiting to be brilliant at your craft — oozing with confidence, creativity and charisma — then once again, you may be waiting until eternity. Want to know my new personal motto? “Good enough is good enough!” And I hope it becomes your motto too. So many bright people have fallen under an illusion that only a small handful of seemingly perfect people are allowed to step up and express their talents or gifts.

Preparing, planning and waiting until you’re “good enough” drags a whole lot of amazing folks to their graves with their gifts still buried deep within them. So don’t let this myth prevent you light from shining bright — because if you only knew what I knew, and had seen and met the people I have met, you’d KNOW 100% that good enough is MORE than good enough!

4. People Will Never Love You Enough

Are you waiting for your friends and family to rallying behind your goals and greatness? If so, there’s a good chance you will be waiting once again. Even though our closest companions mean well, they want for you what works for them. So, however brilliant your aspirations may be, don’t expect them to necessarily “get it” or get you, either. Why? Because living big can unfortunately kick up other’s awareness of their own self-imposed smallness. Knowing this ahead of time can spare you (and them) some heartache.

Be patient, gentle and compassionate with those around you as you start shining more brightly — your light may become a beacon of hope for them one day. Don’t wait for others to give you the green light in order to step into your own greatness. Instead, look within (and beyond) for the steady strength and support you’ll need as you pave the way for those who will follow in your shiny footsteps.

5. You Will Never Have Enough Money

This one is a burning-hot button for so many people that I talk to and work with. Using finances as your excuse to stand still or stay stuck is just plain ol’ silliness. A good friend of mine is the perfect example: she never has a dime, yet she’s constantly traveling the world. She stays focused on her goals, and open to the world supporting her. And it always does! Amazing…

The funny thing about believing we need more money to be fulfilled, happy or adventurous, is that it’s often the same belief that actually keeps money from entering our lives in the first place. So stay open to things coming to you in wild and wonderful ways. And be willing to stretch yourself when the right opportunities come along. Magic happens when we look for it and stay open to it.

So, as that famous quote so beautifully says: “Dance like no one is watching, love like you’ll never be hurt,sing like no one is listening, and live like it’s heaven on earth.”

You — just as you are in this very perfect moment— are enough. No changes needed. No additions made. Good enough. Beautiful enough. Smart enough and rich enough. So go! Shine your light bright — cause those of us still in the dark need you to help light the way…

*I invite you to leave your comments below. How has “waiting” impacted YOUR life, or held you back? Feel free to share your story… or triumphs!

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