5 Steps to Making Your Own Feng Shui Picture Gallery

We live in a fast-paced world, full of temptations at every turn. In this swirl of distractions, sometimes we lose site of our tribe — the people and places from which we came, and the amazing steps that it took to get you to where you are today. So many of my clients feel an emptiness around family and home, a topic that can unfortunately be at the bottom of our priority list. So, as we honor our country’s past, let’s also honor our own this week.

Making space within your home to honor your family can be a simple feng shui fix that can sometimes do more than a trip to a family therapist. Here’s how you can start making your own special picture gallery to honor all of those near and dear to you!

How to Make Your Own Picture Gallery:
1. Find a section of blank wall in your home, specifically in an area where there is a lot of foot traffic, in an entry way, or in an area where you would like people to stop and take a look.

2. Select lots of your favorite images of those that are important to you, whether it’s a long-lost relative from the 1800′s, your grandmother, your husband, your new baby, or the family pet.

3. Arrange these images in a way that solidly fills your desired space. The more photos you have, and the closer they are placed to one another, the more you will create the feeling of one large installation, rather than a million little photos scattered randomly throughout a room, which often times just turns into visual noise.

4. Consider adding simple picture ledges, or have a local woodworker make a nice inset or shallow shelving so all your photos are nicely held within it.

5. Try placing all of the photos into different frames. This way you can easily add more photos in the future and won’t be concerned about finding matching frames in the future. Also consider switching out the images regularly, or add new photos as new ones are taken. This will keep things fresh and exciting for your family and all the guests that come into your home.

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