5 Ways to Feng Shui your LIFE

newsletter_bluejacket-300x146Feng Shui is a way of constructing the elements of your external environment so that your life’s load is lighter, allowing all your many other efforts to more easily take flight.

But just as you might adjust the details of your outer world, you can just as easily “feng shui” the details of your inner world too (which is what I do every day with my private coaching clients).

Instead of clearing clutter, you clear outdated beliefs; instead of arranging a calm, supportive space, you design a calm, supportive lifestyle; instead of designing an inspiring, forward-moving aesthetic, you design an inspiring, forward-magnetizing view of your future.

Both paths are equally powerful (yet the latter is FAR less expensive to pull off).

So here are 5 tempting tips to transform your INNER world — the most critical steps if you desire a life chocked-full of joy, optimism, creativity and oozin’, overflowin’ love! Because let me break the news: you can’t live a full-out, purpose-full, 100% life without these:


When your shower drain gets gunked up with goo, it’s VERY tough to get yourself squeaky-clean so you can put your best foot forward in the world. Same goes for the drain-pipe of your life. If you don’t take time to regularly snake out those stubborn (symbolic) hairballs, your life starts to back-up and overflow with foul-smellin’ words, thoughts and actions. Yuck-o!

Here’s the thing: what’s in your way is likely just as hidden as those slimy pipes under your sink – it’s always what you don’t know that will trip you up the most.

Making time for reflection, learning and conscious curiosity is like Drain-o for the Soul – it’s the first critical step to cleaning out your “pipe” so you can finally flow at your 100% God-given best.

When you take time to clear the crud, your life becomes an effortless, go-with-the-flow adventure.


Whether you like it or not, we’re in this game together. You may kid yourself otherwise, but there’s hardly a detail in your modern life that doesn’t involve the choreographed workings of a whole slew of other humans: Chapstick. Drywall. Bottled water. Underpants. Try naming even ONE thing in your outer world that got there without the help of many others…

I personally believe we’re all merely itsy-bitsy cells of a much bigger Being. The sooner you realize that you aren’t the Lone Ranger – but rather an integral thread in the tapestry of life itself – the sooner you can reach out and start asking for help.

Whether it’s your best gal-pal, a local meet-up group, an online community or a near-by spiritual gathering, you and me need one another, kiddo. Cause let’s face it: Sometimes you’re “up”. And sometimes you’re “down”. No one escapes the Yin and the Yang of life’s wild ride. We all need a shoulder to cry on at moments. And we all need to be somebody’s cheerleader when life get’s tough.

But it doesn’t stop there: Each one of us has radically different skill-sets and strengths. The combined talents of a like-minded group can be powerful beyond words. Add to that the unexplainable energy that gets ignited when 2 or more women come together, and VA-VOOM – just watch the sparks fly!

So always remember:  to the extent you can reach out, you also allow in.


After working with hundreds of women, I’ve found 1 major common denominator: you’re all believing your thoughts. Which in a nutshell means that your Soul’s being drug around by your “wee-brain” (as my friend, “Scottish-Sue” would say). And that scenario is always a drag (literally).

Thoughts are thoughts. They’re all benign and harmless. But when we BELIEVE those that are no longer true for us, they can turn into scratching, drooling, snarling Mind-Monsters. Learning to notice, watch and allow thoughts to pass (without grabbing onto them with your normal death-grip) is the key to having a happy mind… and life.

Once you realize that your brain is basically just a crazy-making factory, you’ll listen to it less and less, and allow your heart to guide you more and more.

When you listen (and lead) with your heart, your path will always be perfection.


You may be spouting wise n’ wonderful things about your juciest aspirations – inspired, cerebral delights about your purpose, passions, pursuits and beyond. But are your dollars a reflection of your dreams?

When I get the honor of poking around in the spending habits of smart, soulful women, rarely do their purchases reflect their purpose. While you may say that you’re dedicated to a life of service and soul, your expenses may say otherwise.

Making sure you’re spending reflects your life’s biggest “WHY” is a vital piece of the purpose-puzzle. Putting mentorship, coaching, classes and retreats OVER soy lattés, high-heel shoes, mounds of sweaters and a brand new sofa will make more of a dramatic difference than buying all the “stuff” in the world (combined).

Money sho’ don’t lie: what you buy is what you honor. So spend wisely, my friend…


I’ve noticed 1 thing over these past many years working with smart, sensitive, heartfelt women: the only difference I can find between me and you is this: I ALWAYS have a mentor.

A mentor is simply someone who’s several nudges ahead of you – someone who can take a look at your inner “ick” and provide pin-pointed insights and personalized suggestions into what’s holding you back and keeping you stuck –– someone who’s been-there-done-that; who does their own inner work, is a super-soulful role-model, and can see you clearly (because trust me, you sure-as-shoot can’t).

Left to our own devices, every one of us simply spins our wheels. The brain is no different than a broken computer – if it’s left all alone, it will still be a broken 10 years from today. It always takes a savvy external program to swoop in to fix the root problem.

So promise me you won’t waste another year, decade (or lifetime) without finding a mentor. No matter the cost, it is miniscule compared to the  joy, time and possibilities you’re missing out on. Because there is nothing more tragic than a precious life squandered.

*Think you can’t afford a mentor?  Think again! There are plenty of mentor-miracles to be had, and plenty of low-cost forms of support – never use money as an excuse for the guidance you deserve!


I encourage you to review the list above. Mark the 1 that stands out the most and give it some added TLC this week. Brainstorm a multitude of options and ideas, and take action right away.  Then review this list 1-3 months from today, and chip away at the next weakest link.

*What’s YOUR weakest link above… and why? What steps will you take in the coming weeks to get unstuck and become UNSTOPPABLE? Leave a comment below, and you may be this week’s winner!

And if you’re hungry for big change, and want to take a running leap into all 5 of the steps above, then you’ve got to find a way to join me for my upcomingStuck to Unstoppable Bootcamp where you get all 5 Steps in one teensy-tiny discounted price.

But early-bird discount ends Friday, June 3rd30 Have Already Enrolled… Only 20 Spots left!

I guarantee you won’t find another program this all-encompassing – with 1-on-1 mentorship, supportive online community, life-changing training, and so much more. I’m so sure about the power of this program that I’ve tossed in a 100% money-back-guarantee – Don’t like it? Don’t worry!

Click here to become one of the Unstoppables while there’s still room:  www.UnstoppableBootcamp.com

Thanks for taking 1 more step today toward YOUR 100% Unstoppableness…

Till next time,



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