Feng Shui Q&A

Here’s a fun question we got from Mercedes:

“How can I get abundance of money without effort?”

Well, Mercedes, that’s a question most American’s have been asking themselves for a few decades now! But unfortunately abundance doesn’t quite work that way. Now, there are some folks who win the lottery or get huge inheritances, so of course we’re not talking about them. But for most of us, abundance rarely comes from doing nothing. Not to say that I’m a believer in having to work hard for your money (although for generations past, that was the norm), but there is almost always action required to magnetize ourselves to the big bucks.

A lot of people who know me say “Wow, Stephanie, things come so easily to you!” And from the outside it can appear to be that way. But all the things that have magically come into my life were the energetic results of many years of soul-searching, taking risks, learning new skills, developing my confidence, opening my heart and harnessing a strong belief in myself and my spirit. But I assure you, every brave, scary step that I’ve taken in my life has brought blessings beyond imagination, so the reward for our life’s work can be quite great…

In terms of feng shui, there is most likely work to be done in order for abundance to roll it. It doesn’t have to be elbow-grease work, but it could be inner, spiritual work instead.

My belief about feng shui and abundance is this: Create a home that feels and reflects the abundant you that you long to be. Allow it to inspired you into the belief that you are worthy of the abundance you seek. Then listen to your gut instinct, make the phone calls, take the risks, read a new book, talk to a stranger — whatever you’re being lead to do. When you’re brave enough to heed your spirit’s calling, very likely there is abundance waiting for you on the other side.

Thanks for all your questions! Keep them coming….

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