Feng Shui Q&A

istock_000005208052xsmallQUESTION: Lyn, a new subscriber, writes, “My office area is also our sunroom in the house. My question is: my plants trail downward, is this not good to place in my office?”

ANSWER: Great question, Lyn. But unfortunately there are no right or wrong plants for an office, or anywhere else for that matter. And if anyone tells you this, then they’re talking purely by-the-book feng shui, and not truly discussing the energy of your space.

The real key to good feng shui is to veer away from the rules and tune in to your gut instincts. When you learn to read your body’s internal signals and can tell that subtle shift in your body telling you something lifts you up and opposed to bringing you down, then you’ve gained a great gift you can use the rest of your life.

Does your plant growing downward evoke emotions of depressions or heaviness, or groundedness? Would a larger, lusher plant make you feel more exuberant, or more hyper? What is medicine for one person is the exact opposite for another. There are no blanket rules in feng shui, and that can be the most frustrating thing for humans who love to live by rules, restrictions, and guidelines.

The world as we know it is changing all the time. It is asking us to start living differently, listening to our internal knowing, and awakening our emotional bodies as opposed to our thinking bodies which we’re all too familiar with. So Lyn, ask yourself what it is that you hope to feel about your business 5 years from now. Sit in meditation or stillness, imagine all the details of how you wish it to be, and then take a look around your office. Does your space evoke the same emotions? Does the room lift you up? Does the color make you feel successful, focused, entitled, abundant, creative or whatever you wish you feel about your business? Do the plants make your heart soar, feel connected to nature, and more trusting in your own abilities? When you’re able to generate a space that makes you “feel” like the person you wish you be, then your home has become a tool to manifest your dreams.

Since most of us have a hard time doing what I just mentioned, this is where a gifted practitioner can come in handy. Just like it’s hard to be your own therapist, dentist, coach or doctor, the same goes for designing your own space. Get an outside opinion — someone who can intuit or hear what your heart truly desires and can help nudge you in the right direction.

I hope that helps, Lyn! Thanks for writing…


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