Happy Holiday Note from Stephanie

Happy Thanksgiving from the entire Space for Success Family!

I wanted to take a few minutes out of my busy day to wish you and your loved ones a warm, wonderful Thanksgiving day!

I’ve been busy baking all morning making some of my childhood favorites, like my Grandmother’s famous persimmon pudding (to “live” for) and peach cheesecake…. YYYYYUUUUUMMMMM.

Then we’re headed off to spend the evening doing some decadent dining with several local friends – giving me a chance to actually get dressed up! (Secret: I spend most of my days in pajamas and exercise clothes since I work from home).   : )

Because today is a day for giving thanks, I most especially wanted to reach out to YOU – as without you and my entire Space for Success family, I couldn’t live out my purpose in the world.

I realize that for some, holidays are exhillerating! And for others, not so much…

So, if you or someone you know has a tough time during this celebratory season, consider taking a few minutes today to jot down a list of all that you’re grateful for. What blessings can you find? What good things surround you?

My dad started a Thanksgiving tradition where we each go around the table sharing one thing that we’re most grateful for. Let me tell you, this is always the highlight of the day!

It’s SO easy to focus on what’s going wrong, and even the best of us can lose track of what’s going right. But this simple step can help shift your mind… and mood… in just minutes!

Also consider another great holiday pick-me-up: GIVING.

Something magical takes place when we shift our focus off our own worries, and give selflessly and express gratitude to those around us. So make sure to open your heart BIG today and reach out to at least one person who could use a lift: like an elderly neighbor, a homeless person, a long-lost friend, a distant relative, or someone going through a tough life challenge.

We often get so wrapped up in our own dramas that we forget this easy, energizing and empowering step. Yet giving our love is easy, uplifting… and always F.R.E.E.! And at the end of the day, it’s the best gift you’ll ever give another.

So here’s to dreaming, living and loving BIG… today and for all the many magical moments to come.

Thank you for giving ME your gift – the gift of taking the steps necessary to transform, empower and heal your inner and outer environments, so that together we can make a big, juicy, love-filled ripple out into the world.

As each of us steps into our truest self, and starts to live the life we were meant to live, we can (and will) make a difference on this planet.

So thank you, thank you, thank you!

With greatest blessings and happy holiday wishes to you and yours this season…

Lots and lots of love,

Where’s Stephanie?

Mark Your Calendars…

• Stephanie will be presenting her anual “Whole for the Holidays” Telecourse this Tuesday, November 30th, at 5pm P/T (9pm E/T). There’s still time to join us!

• Stephanie will also be speaking at the Sweeter Holiday Summit on Tuesday, November 30th, at 9am P/T (12pm E/T) where you’ll find 35+ experts for a F*R*EE teleseminar/webinar series through Dec. 14. You’ll get tips, tactics and inspiration from specialists in health, wealth, Law of Attraction, fitness, hypnosis, wei*ght loss, sugar addiction, looking younger, gift-giving, inner peace, self-esteem, relationships, Feng Shui, office yoga, EFT, meditation, emotional eating, stress management, etc.

About Stephanie

Known best for her show on HGTV, Fun Shui, Stephanie McWilliams is also an Intuitive “Launch” Coach — championing women on the verge of big, beautiful breakthroughs.  She loves to work with women who are ready to remove hidden blocks, stop sneaky self-sabotage and step into their greatest purpose so they can start living the life they were truly meant to live.

She is a Certified Feng Shui Consultant, Board-Certified Holistic Health Counselor, Certified Interior Redesigner, and a member of Association for Druggless Practitioners. Stephanie is the author of “Your Space for Success – The Ultimate Room-by-Room Home Success System” and “Feng Shui for Finances, Fat Loss and Falling in Love”. She has appeared on HGTV, Good Morning America NOW, Martha Stewart Morning Living, People Magazine, John Edward’s Infinite Quest, Women’s World Magazine, ABC News,and countless other radio and internet programs.

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