How’s It Possible to LOSE 20 People?

Howdy-Ho, LuvBug!

Today, I felt called to tell you a personal story — as I know there are SO many of you who are only INCHES away from outright miracles. Solutions. Abundance. Or love.

(But sadly, we so often quit right before reaching the finish line!)

Which is why I want to tell you about a recent vacation — when something rather CRAZYhappened.

First, let me set the stage . . .

Over the past few months I’d had a gnawing urge to find more like-minded local comrades to expand my inner circle — after uprooting myself and moving cross-country the previous year.

But after many months, I just wasn’t meeting many close, Kindred Souls. (And feeling a wee bit frustrated.)

Yet out of the blue, my Mom received an invitation to travel up to Door County, WI — to attend a big Family Reunion.


(FYI: I’d never heard of Door County – but it’s basically the Martha’s Vinyard of the midwest — a jaw-droppingly beautiful spot!!!!)

But as I asked more questions, I realized that I had NEVER EVER heard of ANY of these “relatives”. Hm . . .

20 complete and total strangers = how’s it possible that I never knew they existed!?!?

But of course, when INTUITION calls, details like this don’t stop me. I got that strong, familiar, unexplainable “nudge” that we were SUPPOSED to go . . . So I packed up the SUV and drove for about 12 hours straight.


Besides the usual Ooooh’s and Ahhh’s of visiting a stunningly-gorgeous new place. . . what was even MORE amazeballs were the rather “unique” relatives I was about to meet.


From the moment we all met . . .

I felt an instant “click”.

A strange synchronicity.

A crazy kinship.

Don’t get me wrong: I ADORE all of my other relatives . . . They’re seriously “Good People”. Salt of the Earth. Would do ANYTHING for you. And I LOOOOVE ‘em to pieces!!!

But . . . I’ll admit . . I somehow have always felt like the oddball. The Black Sheep. The wacky little weirdo. The artsy-fartsy oddity.

Basically: A Monty Python character — trapped in a Disney-esque world.


I was immediately immersed in a herd of 20 fellow “weirdos” (and I say that as the GREATEST of compliments!) — all with wonderfully-wicked senses of humor; huge, generous hearts; a plethora of political incorrectness; and radically open-minded perspectives.



Gathering together from all across the map — from Florida, Denver, Seattle, Portland, New Jersey, Indiana and Wisconsin — my family instantly doubled in size. (And in heart.)


I could spend DAYS telling you about each wonderful, beautiful one of them: From the 2 raw-vegan cyclists, the yoga teacher, the talented potter, the scientist, the postal worker, the prison warden, the woodcarver, a future tarot-card reader, and many, many more.…

Or the antics, and bonding and giggling that took place.

(Who knew 3rd cousins could be so COOL?)


They were even totally open to my intuitively “Woo-Woo” ways — as I delivered mediumship messages from their grandmother, mother and father (all in Spirit) – who suddenly showed up to chat with me on our first day together . . .

(And as you can imagine: that DOESN’T happen at your typical midwest reunion!)

So that got me thinking:

Almost EVERY amazing thing that’s happened to me – came out of the blue.


Total Shockaroo . . .

So: When you desire something more — yet there’s just no gosh-darn tangible proof in front of your face — and you start to doubt that wonderful new things will EVER be on the horizon for you . . .

Pretty pretty please: THINK AGAIN!!!!

Miracles can (and do) happen . . . and usually when you LEAST expect it.

And as my Spirit Guides have told me (and shown me) a gojillion times before: They are ALWAYS choreographing blessings behind the scenes.

For me. And for you. And for everybody else.

No exceptions.

Thing is:

  • Will you follow the Universe’s trail of Unstoppable breadcrumbs?
  • Will you be brave enough to listen, trust, and FOLLOW your intuition – even if it’s uncomfortable, inconvenient, or scares you to silly?
  • Will you say “YES!” to strange new (potentially-wonderful) experiences – or let them just pass you by?
  • Or . . . will you be courageous enough to perceive your current life (and challenges) through rosy-pink, blessing-colored glasses?

Oh sure, I could have skipped all the headache: packing up the car, driving endless hours, spending extra moolah, or experiencing the uncomfortable nervousness of hanging out with a load of complete strangers.

But I followed that internal KNOWING, instead.

And as always, life is here to “magically” align us with wonders and delights.

The rewards of taking risks and following your Gut are ALWAYS worth it. (Because they’re choreographed by Source, itself.)

So NEVER EVER EVER use any current challenging circumstances — as a sure-fire, guaranteed Litmus-Test of what’s yet to come . . .

Fixating on what’s NOT here — just keeps life’s soon-to-be delights ENDLESSLY at an arm-stretch away. Blah.

So stay strong. Keep the faith. Believe. And wish upon your Star . . .

(Even when there’s no tangible reason that you should.)

Because when things seem to be stuck, stagnant, over or outright icky — good things are always brewing behind the scenes.

So consider this as your new life motto:

“When it looks like NOTHING is happening . . . EVERYTHING is actually happening!”

And as I’m typing this, one of my Guides just started chatting away in my ear — wanting to add in a few more sentiments to today’s topic:

“You all experience life in monotone values mostly. But there are experiences available all the time that you CAN do . . . but DON’T do. New experiences help take you away from that which no longer serves you. You want to learn to move toward experiences that you say “YES!” to energetically (like from love, joy or laughter), instead of those you say “NO” to energetically (like out of lack, shame, fear or guilt). Which simply means: move TOWARD your dreams and people and situations that delight your heart!”

Well said, kind Sir . . . thanks for your added soulful 2-cents.

So . . .

What if you playfully ASSUME that things are lining up for you!?!?!

What if you EXPECTED that life was ALWAYS working out in your favor!?!?

And then let Source line up miracles for you – all at the perfect time, in the perfect way, and the perfect place . . .

Because you just never know when an unexpected miracle may be waiting right around the corner.

BIG love to you — XOXO

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