Just Listen & Follow Directions

iStock_000000362660_L1Life is basically a pretty simple process. But somehow when human beings get involved, we have the urge to complicate everything!

The body is created to feel hunger — it’s a simple sign that it’s time to eat. Our body feels fullness — that’s how we know to stop.

Same goes for thirst, sleep, and on down the line. Yet sometimes these messages can get a bit subtle. But if we’re honest with ourselves, don’t we get messages all the time?

“Wash the dishes”.
“Brush our teeth”.
“Slow down”.
“Stop and pick up that trash”.
“Call your friend”.
“Quit your job”.

If we just learned to pay attention to the small, soft little voice within us, it will gladly guide our lives in an effortless, easy, miraculous way. Where this voice comes from, who’s to say. Perhaps it’s “God”, or perhaps it’s just the wiser inner part of ourselves, or it’s a message from somewhere else… Regardless, I’ve found this voice to have wisdom beyond what my ego and personality could ever hope to have. But boy, listening up and following these directions is another story! Whew…

How many of you feel as I do sometimes: That you have lost control of your own spirit and find it challenging to listen to your inner guide? Are you frustrated when you KNOW to do something, but you simple don’t do it?

Today let’s play together and support one another as we practice listening and following directions. We do this by humbling ourselves, simplifying our lives, and give our path and purpose over to something much greater.

I’ll admit, my ego fights this all the time. But when I do show up and just listen, miracles occur. I turn left instead of right at a familiar corner, and run into a long-lost friend…. I pick up the phone and call a friend, only to receive an inside tip on a dream-job becoming available… I get the feeling to wash the dishes, only to find out that a relative is about to come over for an unexpected visit…

We make life so much harder than it has to be. Myself included. But what if we just listen and follow directions today? What if instead of going to the gym, we work on our “listening” muscle instead? The more use it gets, the stronger it grows and the louder it sounds. Our lives in turn will run as effortlessly as a river stream, bending, turning and flowing through life’s amazing landscape.

Share what you accomplish today, big or small, in terms of listening up, and may the force be with you!

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