Only 1 Thing Separates YOU…from Me.

How 1 Small Thing Makes a World of Difference

Across the board, I see 1 thing separating the movers-n-shakers from the residents of Stucksville – those lone soldiers unknowingly missing 1 key piece of info that affects the quality of their entire lives… and futures.

And while it may be small, it’s obviously significant.

With it, you thrive.

Without it, you flounder.

So what’s this mysterious missing link that holds smart women back each and every day?


And truthfully, I’m going to lose my marbles if I hear 1 more woman declare that she’s dying for change… yet refuses to get help.

The reason why support is so invaluable is because it provides external insights into those places where we’ve crawled to a halt. It holds a wise mirror up to our current challenges, reflecting back the elusive answers.

Going without support is much like screaming at a broken computer. No matter how long you sit, stare, or yell at the poor plastic thing, it’s not going to fix itself. And neither are you.

But how do you know when you need the “Big S”? …

When you start to spot repeating habits and recurring challenges that surface over and over and over again. Cause let’s face it,  if you keep slamming into the same ol’ sort of stuck-spot year after year, the only common denominator my dear, is you.

And when our circuits get jammed, we need outside input to realign our thinking and reboot our perspective.

While I highly believe that you are the one to make the ultimate changes and do the real work, required – without guides, mentors, teachers and coaches… without mothers, muses, soul sisters and spiritual saviors  – even the best of us can get stuck in the mental-mud for far, far too long.

“But Stephanie, I can’t afford support!”

Yes, I too have thought the same thing (more times than I care to admit).

Many people go without support because they think they need more bucks in the bank to get what they need – a sad limitation to put on the infinite possibilities blowing endlessly about this limitless Universe.

The funny thing is, my first (and most influential) mentor, Jackie Patricia, cost me nothing …while handing me the most priceless wisdom imaginable.

There are endless options, and even more endless price ranges, for the types of support available to you. The only thing required is openness…and a fire in yer belly.

While time, money and limitations may seem quite real to your human mind, they are no match for true, passionate desire for change.

Nothing costs more than a life squandered. Nothing takes up more time than standing still for decades on end. And nothing is more limiting than wearing blinders throughout life that block out all the light.

No matter what my circumstances or income, I always have support. And not just a little… a whole gosh-darn lot of it.

And when I look around at my friends and colleagues – those I admire most are drenched in the soulful supportive sweet stuff, too.

So, how can you open yourself to more support this week? Whether it’s with your body or your business. Your feng shui or your finances. Your spirit or your psyche. No support is too small…  No leap too big.

Start getting used to standing with your energetic arms wide-open – to all the loving helpful hands just waiting to hold you…

Let it in. Breath it in. Soak it in.

It is endless.  All you have to do is ask…


© 2011 Stephanie McWilliams LLC

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