Personal Coaching with Stephanie

fitness timeAre you a professional woman who’s
overworked, overwhelmed & headed for burn-out?

Feeling sad, depressed and frustrated?

Are you a slave to your to-do list?

Are you working all the time…and wondering why?

Are you feeling like there’s more to life, but you’re not sure what?

Feeling stuck, unmotivated, disconnected and stressed out?

Not sure what steps to take next?

Then get Ready to Transform your life in 2009!

Stephanie is a Board-Certified Holistic Health Counselor as well as a Certified Feng Shui Consultant. Through many personal struggles and challenges in her own past, as well as with her extensive training and background, she has the compassion and wisdom to help support and guide you through your own life challenges. Stephanie’s history has allowed her the opportunity to work through her own personal struggles with depression, compulsive over-eating, low self-esteem, body image issues, career obstacles, A.D.D., disorganization, stress, hypoglycemia, adrenal fatigue, and much more. Through her living example, Stephanie provides the hope and inspiration that ANYONE can change, no matter their circumstances.

Apply now and become one of the select handful of people to work with Stephanie herself for this rare & exciting opportunity!

One Happy Client Said…

I am so grateful to have found Stephanie! It’s difficult to express in words the exhilaration and excitement I feel. She is fun and loving and inspiringly insightful. In my first phone session with her, Stephanie provided me with a simple, yet crucial insight that resonated so deeply with me, and my understanding of my life has increased a million-fold!

For the longest time, I’d been struggling to figure out what I’m supposed to do with my life. I was frustrated that nothing I did really gave me the fulfillment I knew I could have. I’d been trying to piece together all my disparate interests and occupations, figuring out how they fit together into a path that felt meaningful and gave me a sense of purpose.

Stephanie, with her graceful intuitiveness, sensed and explored a beautifully accurate truth about me, and I just “got” it. It was like the missing piece of the puzzle, and it has liberated me!  Now, instead of spending so much mental energy trying to figure out how everything is supposed to come together in my life and worrying about what I should be doing, I now experience an unbelievable sense of self.

My life is making more sense, and I live each day with so much more joy and confidence!  I have a greater capacity to experience the present, and I’m more trusting that what I need will come my way. The freedom and exhilaration resulting from this one phone session was worth the investment in the whole package! I’ve now had two sessions with Stephanie, and I really feel that through love and joy I’m going to take my creativity, success and personal “power” to the level I’ve always known it could be but couldn’t reach previously. I’m really, really excited!!

— Kiki Ong, KO Concepts
Interior Stylist & Furniture Finder

As we all know, sometimes support is needed in more areas than just our homes. Stephanie understands first-hand how important it is to have support — someone cheerleading and championing you to expand, soften, deepen and strengthen your inner resolve. When you begin to heal not only your home, but your body and mind as well, powerful, life-changing shifts can occur. Life is a spiraling, never-ending journey, and the more we learn to move with life’s changes and gain strength to face life’s challenges, the more magical, loving and juicy life becomes.

Another Amazing Client Said…

I have gone from a 16 pants size to a size 12, started my own small business, feel positive about my life for the first time in years, rediscovered my silly side, and have learned a technique that is way better than therapy…

“Before, my life seemed to have become a stagnant backwater, and I was watching others live their lives and I wasn’t even sure I had a life. Then, after watching her Fun Shui television show on HGTV, I was inspired to visit Stephanie’s website. I read about her coaching program and signed up! It felt sort of self-indulgent to have my own coach, but I realized I needed the support. If I don’t invest in myself, how can I hope to have anything to give to those who matter most to me?

I have felt such a lightness come into my life since working with Stephanie. I have someone to guide me through the parts of my life that are holding me back, provide tools that move me forward, and celebrate my successes with me. Stephanie’s coaching is this amazing blend of teamwork when you need it and, yet, she also knows when to step back and just be your cheerleader. She keeps me focused, accountable, and laughing all at the same time. Her sense of fun is really infectious.

I never expected that Stephanie would help me unravel the emotional tangle that was my life. Now I know what to do when I am having difficulty in a personal relationship. She also gave me the tools to deal with guilt, anger, and frustration.

I was deeply anguished over the strained, almost non-existent “relationship” I had with my son. Stephanie helped me reconnect with him by showing me how to let go of the stories in my mind that were keeping us apart, and now it’s amazing — he’s sent me roses twice this past year! This alone is a miracle… Thank you, Stephanie, from the bottom of my heart.

People now say that I have confidence about life and seek it out, where before I was reserved and reluctant to change anything. I feel so much more positive about myself and others. I feel freer and unburdened for the first time in years — MAYBE EVER!

Since working with Stephanie, I’ve noticed that I am moving forward with my life and trying things out I never would have done in the past such as public speaking. I just feel less stagnant and more willing to get out there and try new things. My life is so much better for having Stephanie as a coach in my life.

The best thing about Stephanie is you can feel the warmth, support, and love in her sessions with you by email and phone, and she really does make herself available! With Stephanie’s guidance, you can create a life that is juicy and beautiful and rich with endless possibilities.”

—Alice W., Office Manager at a Mid-western University

Adding personal coaching may be just the personal approach you’re needing. Having this long-term support can create the focus and momentum to help you achieve your goals and stay on track.

Stephanie’s loving approach and personal experience has helped hundreds of people transform their lives. Private coaching from Stephanie allows you to have one-on-one attention so you get the encouragement, support, guidance and accountability you need to make lasting changes.

Another Go-Getter Client Said…

“Working with Stephanie has completely transformed my life! I’m a completely different person than I was a year ago. My life is moving forward instead of being stuck in the rut I had made for myself.

In just the few months I’ve been with Stephanie, she’s led me through many years of baggage and taught me how to recognize what it is, and even given me the methods to deal with it and let it go. My life has opened up to a huge set of new possibilities, and I’ve discovered how to recognize the possibilities and run with them! I’ve become a stronger person over the last few months, it’s really amazing to step out and look at myself compared to who I was just a few months ago.(Hmm, ok, um… Can I take a photo of some fireworks and just have that say it for me?)

Before meeting Stephanie, my life was plodding forward. No real path, no freedom, I was just sustaining my life. After meeting Stephanie, I discovered that the relationship I was in was bad for both of us, and found the courage to leave. I discovered my true passion and created a business around it, all in just one year! I discovered that life is great and things flow easily now — and I even found the absolute love of my life!

I never expected to be able to discover a passion, jump out and do it! I also discovered a major life secret — I call it “Great risk, great reward”.

Since working with Stephanie, I’ve noticed way too many things to list in this little tiny box. My entire life has been transformed!”

— Joel Jameson, Business Owner & Photographer
Minneapolis, MN

Her 6-month Coaching packages includes:


These sessions will be held twice a month — just enough time in between for you to implement any new ideas and homework assignments, but scheduled closely enough together that you stay focused and on-track with your long-term goals.


Stephanie will select specific goals, projects or assignments, depending on what issues you’re currently working through. These assignments help keep you on track, keep you accountable, and keep you motivated!


Get a personalized analysis of your diet and activity level. Let Stephanie guide you toward subtle, simple, fun changes to your current regimen that will physically support your other emotional and spatial changes.


Get everything listed above in an exciting 6-month program, including email support between your coaching sessions. You have access to Stephanie outside of your coaching calls to ask questions, or get motivation between sessions.


With these two added coaching sessions, ask Stephanie about your home, send in photos, and get direct feedback to help your space transform as YOU transform! That’s a $499 bonus gift just for you! (To learn more about your virtual consultation, visit:


Recieve a free coaching CD that walks you through a powerful coaching process that I use with all my clients. You’ll be blown away to see the life-changing results it can bring into your life. It’s truly the best process I’ve ever come across!

Here’s Another Happy Client…

“Working with Stephanie is like having a wise woman by your side to help you get to where you want to go. Stephanie is gentle yet persistent. She keeps you moving in small steps …. and then one day you look back and you have made a major shift (and you had fun doing it). I never expected that I would benefit both personally and in my business through working with Stephanie.

Stephanie also helped my husband and I resolve a sleep issue with our 5 year old daughter that we had struggled with for two years. We are now all sleeping so much better.

Stephanie has become a valued friend, she can see right through all the things I’m trying to hide, and help me to work through them without even realizing I’m doing it.

Before meeting Stephanie I was frazzled and depressed. I am now far more balanced and forward thinking, and feel much more focused and energetic!

I recommend her coaching program to everyone because she will get to where you need to go!”

Meredith Eisenberg, Business Owner & Marketing Guru
Albuquerque, NM
Tame the Internet Monster
Yellow Highlighter Marketing

“Why is it a 6-Month Program?”

To some people a 6 month commitment seems like a VERY long time. But from my past experience, deep and lasting change rarely happens in just one conversation or coaching session. By taking small, calculated, gradual steps toward our goals, we establish solid habits and create strong foundations, allowing everything else in the future to rest and build upon these changes.

We also have habits and reactions that come from experiences back as far as childhood. These patterns take massaging, patience, and understanding to lift and transform. When working in six-month time blocks, these issues and emotions have time to surface and be investigated in order for us to move past their limitations.

“Who Do You Typically Work With?”

Stephanie works with anyone committed to making a change in their life! Many of her clients are women struggling to find greater passion, focus, self-confidence and career momentum. She wants nothing more than to help support others on their unique journey toward living a dynamic, yummy, and powerful life of joy and abundance.

Stephanie also works with many successful women who are feeling unfulfilled and looking for more satisfaction, love and excitement out of life. But Stephanie also works with retired persons, young children, teenagers, 20-somethings, parents, expecting moms, and anyone else hungry for change!

Here’s What Another Client had to Say…

“Usually I think things through, and rationalizing every decision. I watch how I spend money to an extreme, so coaching for me in the past was out of the question. But when I heard about Stephanie’s coaching program, a light bulb went off in my head, and I signed up without a second thought. It was just a knowing that I was to work with her.

I was so surprised at my behavior that I kept my coaching a secret indulgence for a few months. But when things started changing in my life, I started telling everyone.

I’m a somewhat shy person by nature, and work in a very corporate environment. I came to Stephanie to see if I could add some spice to my boring career, but what I got was so much more than what I anticipated. She somehow intuitively knows where I’m stuck — sometimes even before I’m aware of it! She uncovered some deep issues that I’d buried under the rug.

Some days are tough, but I now feel that I have the insights to face my struggles (and myself) head-on. With her encouragement, gentleness, honesty and humor, I felt like I had a wise and nurturing friend guiding me along. I found confidence where I’ve never had any, and I’m doing things I never dreamed were possible for someone like me. I found the bravery to leave a long and outdated relationship, got a great promotion, healed some chronic health issues, started public speaking, am creating a real home myself for the first time in my life, am expressing my passion and creativity (when I always thought I had none of both!), am in a relationship with the most amazing man, and I think I can honestly say that I feel happier than I’ve felt perhaps in my entire life!

Anything that Stephanie is involved with is worth the investment. She pours her heart and soul into what she does, and if her new membership group is anything like her coaching and virtual consultations, then we’re all in for a real treat!”


“What Things Can I Work On?”

Personal Coaching can support you through any of life’s challenges, including:

• Weight loss
• Intimacy Issues
• Family Challenges
• Career Transitions
• Financial Concerns
• Relationship struggles
• Spiritual Development
• Relaxation Techniques
• Enhancing Creativity
• Dietary Shifts
• Depression
• Grief

• And much more!


• EMAIL SUPPORT: Get everything listed above in an exciting 6-month program, including email support between your coaching sessions. You have access to Stephanie outside of your coaching calls to ask questions, or get motivation between sessions.


With these two added coaching sessions, ask Stephanie about your home, send in photos, and get direct feedback to help your space transform as YOU transform! That’s a $499 bonus gift just for you!

• FREE COACHING CD: Recieve a free coaching CD that walks you through a powerful coaching process that I use with all my clients. You’ll be blown away to see the life-changing results it can bring into your life. It’s truly the best process I’ve ever come across!

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