President… TRUMP?



Well… it’s a surreal day, indeed. And I’ve had tears flowing all evening…

My tears stem from realizing just how unhappy people truly are around this country… and the planet… How raging and unhappy and sad and confused we are all, as a whole. Tapping into that, and feeling into that pain (that I tend to block out) is worthy of honoring with some tears of connection, I think… So I’m just letting whatever emotions arise to be welcomed, felt, and released. And my heart goes out to all those in pain right now…

Yet strangely, I’m not totally surprised by tonight’s results… My Guides have been telling me for months that this was coming — but I couldn’t wrap my head around the truth of what they were saying. In fact, it made me doubt my Guides for a while, because of these messages…

But I’ve been told VERY clearly that having Trump as president is actually BETTER for us collectively –because it’s going to speed up our planetary growth and transformation (although not via a way my personality might prefer)…

While our Soul’s may be singing about this news, our human sides may go kicking and pouting, as this growth may come via rather “challenging” scenarios… The planet is no different that ourselves: The biggest challenges bring about the biggest transformations…

All I know is: The ONLY solution is for me to find every pocket of pain and fear and sorrow and confusion and separation and self-hatred inside myself — continuing to love it up, and bring gentleness and tenderness to those soft, sweet, sad little spots I’ve locked away in my subconscious basement for far, far too long…

EVERYTHING boils down to self-love. EVERYTHING. When we are empty inside, we project that emptiness to the world around us… expecting it to fulfill those darn inner voids… causing all our repressed shadow-sides to rear their confused lil’ heads… But looking for validation, good feelings, love, or approval outside ourselves will NEVER work. We each have that job to do — to fill ourselves from the inside out.

I believe the world is simply a reflection of what’s happening inside myself… Heal that, and the world heals. It’s the toughest work I’ve ever had to do — as the sneaky, subtle, subconscious layers to my own self-distain run pretty darn deep. But I’m committed to the journey — and life continues to hand me opportunities to see these sides of myself… so they can finally get healed.

EVERYTHING starts with “Self”… Once we’re all madly in love with ourselves… only then can we genuinely love others unconditionally. And ONLY then can the world reflect that inner peace back to us…

We all are Saints… and Sinners… depending on the day. We all betray, and we all forgive. We are sometimes the victim, and sometimes the abuser. We have to love ALL those aspects, in order to love those outside of ourselves. I’m finding more and more every day that those I THINK are hurting me, are NOTHING MORE than a reflection of all the ways I hurt myself… on a daily (or hourly!) basis… At least that’s what I’m finding through my own bumpy, messy journey…

Ah, the irony: I expect others to do what I’m UNWILLING to do for myself. But I cannot expect another to honor or respect or love me unconditionally, if I don’t have a clue how to do it either. And that knowledge brings me great comfort — AND connection… realizing that we’re all just sweet lil’ kids (in big-people bodies) bumping around haplessly, like human bumper-cars… trying our best to get through each day.

It ALL begins with me… a humbling, humbling journey, indeed.

So I’m sticking to my personal “Love Myself Up” plan — and hope that this love oozes out to others who are hungry for it too.

In my heart, I have faith that all is happening JUST as it should… for everyone’s highest good. My brain other other hand? Well… that’s going to be a work in progress…

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