Santa Hopes You DON’T Get What You Want…

Why You Soul PREFERS That Your Desires NOT Be Met — And Why This Key is Actually the Surprising Secret to Deep and Lasting Satisfaction and Success!

Astonished Santa Claus

It’s that gift-giving time o’ year . . .

And ya wanna know a secret?

I actually prefer NOT getting what I want.

(In ALL areas of life.)

“Well, well, well . . . who’s the Ho-Ho-Humbug today, eh?” you might be thinking to yourself.

But the thing is: if someone floated down from the sky with a magic wand, tiara and bag of fairy dust right now and knocked on my door –– then promised to grant me EVERYTHING I could ever want (and some) . . .

I would bolt the door, call the cops, and have him sent far, far away. Forever and ever, Amen.

“Wowza, McWilliams – that’s pretty harsh for the holidays, don’tcha think?”

. . . Nope!

The fact that most people still want all their wishes to come true – YESTERDAY! – is the very reason why almost NO ONE is truly, lastingly, radiantly happy.

You see, we’ve all got it completely, utterly backwards when it comes to feeling deeply fulfilled, and experiencing immense joy.

So I want to share with you the upside-down truth about what your SOUL really wants instead . . .

(Don’t worry – it’s really, really REALLY yummy news!)

Oh sure, I know what I’m about to say may tork-off your brain – especially since it likes to kick and scream about most things in life.

And boy, do I get it. It happens to the best of us… Mostly because you’re not given the Rule Book on the day that you were born — the book that would help you understand the POINT of this crazy human-hologram, HOW things work here on planet Earth, and tips for taking advantage of the “LAWS” — so things flow abundantly, joyfully, and meaningfully for you.

Sulky girl in Santa cap showing empty blackboard

But  first, hear me out…

Deep down your brain is probably like most other folk’s — grinchy-gripin’ about how it wants to:

  • Win the lottery.
  • Never have to work again.
  • Stay in your Jammies until 2037.
  • Veg on the couch for the next few decades – watching back-to-back reruns of “Big Bang Theory” while suckin’ down buckets of Bon-Bons.

(…Or maybe that’s just me?)

And boy, brains get pretty dang P.O.’d when they encounter things like:

  • Lost jobs
  • Lost lovers
  • Lost money
  • Lost opportunities
  • Lost objects

But believe it or not, your Soul actually:

  • Wants you to take your slow, sweet time manifesting the things you desire.
  • Delights when things don’t pan out the first time… or 2nd… or 3rd… 27th, etc.
  • Prefers that your path be bumpy, twisting, turning – and far from straight!
  • Dreads lotto tickets, retirement parties and trust-funds (at least for YOU!)

Does all this confuse you? Befuddle you? Or murk up your mind?

No worries. My madness will become crystal-clear once you try on the following scenarios…These will explain EVERYTHING:

Seemingly-Sweet Scenarios (That Actually SUCK):

Creative portrait of an artistic woman hand painting abstract mural artwork in swatches of bright colors. Adult art class painter


Being a painter, illustrator, graphic designer and art director in one of my former lives – I know about this scenario, first-hand…

So imagine that you’re an artist — able to paint the most perfect picture… effortlessly, every single time — with no challenge, no expansion, no growth required. You just sat down at your easel, and: Voilá! 15 minutes later you ALWAYS had created a masterpiece.

Think that scenario sounds groovy? Think again.

Trust me: as that artist, you would be bored-to-tears in 2 weeks flat (if that). And you would never ever pick up a paintbrush again.

smiling girl holding cake over pink background


Food is a sensual pleasure that tittilates most every Human Being. But… what if you got ALL of your meals… served to you RIGHT NOW?

Imagine a towering ton o’ food – piled high, and steamin’ hot — bull-dozer-dumped right smack-dab before you? Sure, while you may loooooooove to savor your breakfasts, lunches and dinners like nobody’s business — my guess is that you’ll likely enjoy them far more if they’re broken up… and spread out… over an entire lifetime. (Call me crazy!?)

Eating all your meals in one shot defeats the point. It ruins the fun. It robs you entirely of all those drip-fed delights…(And will have you running for the bathroom — with a death-grip on the Pepto, and your head buried inside the belly of the porcelain throne).

Young couple sitting in living room and play video games on console or pc with joysticks while looking in screen or TV. Lifestyle photo of man and woman in jeans at home having fun or entertainment.


Now imagine you’re a die-hard video-game player (who knows: maybe you already are!?)

Picture yourself sitting down on the couch, turning on the game – and instantly knowing how to crack through every level, win every round, and uncover every secret clue… as if by magic!

If you didn’t have to figure anything out. Didn’t have to learn any rules. Didn’t have any competition, whatsoever — you’d realize the jig was rigged. And we’d find you sound-asleep, slumped over the console… drooling like a Saint Bernard.  (Because, really: Who wants to play a game — when there’s no game to be played?)

reading the lines hand in a woman's hands isolated on white

So consider that EVERY DREADED THING your mind has been telling you about your troubles, woes and worries — might actually be GOOD for you instead . . . (Shocker, right?)

Embrace this fact, or not. But this truth is embedded into the reality of your hologram-life. So the sooner you grasp this reality, the more fun things are going to become…

Life Gets SWEETER — the LESS You Get What You Want!

Yeah, I know this all still may be a tough pill to swallow. But at least take the next week to try on this new, empowering perspective.

Yup, your brain will likely keep kickin’ and screamin’… but if you can take time out now and then to witness your life from your Soul’s perspective, or that high-flying God’s-Eye perspective, instead… You’ll see something perfectly sweet, soft and soulful.

You’ll see a life’s profound, precise perfection. A life brilliant designed to: entertain you; inspire you; stretch you; and transform you like nothing else could.

And if you can take a few steps outside of your skin — to witness the sheer, awe-inspiring beauty of who you are, and the path you’ve been on (just far enough removed that your emotions, pains, fears and frustrations can step aside)…you’ll see that even the toughest stuff is actually some of the most beautiful to your Soul.

a coal with red ribbon on santa claus hand

If you can view your life from just the right angle, you’ll see that…

  • It’s GOOD to fall flat on your face countless times as a child: That’s what makes you SO good at walking, running, skipping and strolling today.
  • It’s GOOD to get your heart broken a time or two (or ten): That’s what helps you know what traits you want (and those you DON’T want!) in your next partner.
  • It’s GOOD to get sick, feel like crap, and be ground to a halt now and then: It gives you overflowing gratitude for what it’s like to feel good, and massive inspiration to take care of your temple.
  • It’s GOOD to tank your business, go bankrupt and lose all your dough: What better way to understand how biz and moolah works in the world – than to know what NOT to do instead.
  • It’s GOOD to have people you love “die” and make their transition: Because that’s the BEST way to remember your own (and their!) INFINITE nature — and the 24-7 never-ending stream of love and connection and support available to you…

Don’t Worry: Your Wishes Can Still Come True!

Now don’t get me wrong. I am NOT saying that you can’t eventually have all of those things you desire. Heck, THAT is part of this perfect plan, too.

But some of the most fun a Human will ever have is learning the subtle art of tuning your own inner frequencies — so you become a match to what you desire… And then POOF = JACKPOT!!!!

You’re SUPPOSED to get all the things you desire: The objects of your affection. The smokin’ hot romance that pitters your pattering heartstrings. The boat-loads of money that rocks your financial world. And everything in-between.

So hear me when I say: I am NOT condoning an endless path of hardship, struggle and strain …No way, Sweet-Cakes.

But the LAST thing you came down here to Planet Earth to do is to have it “easy”. Play it safe. Stand still. Or stay small. (And that’s EXACTLY what would happen if you didn’t have all this life-friction to rub up against...)

You didn’t come here to have every desire handed to you effortlessly — like it was plunked out of some spiritual vending machine.

You came to grow. To expand. To learn. To create.


— You don’t become a great scientist by taking one college chemistry class.

— You don’t become a great musician by sitting down at a keyboard for 15 minutes.

— And you don’t become a great lover by pecking only 1 measly frog on the cheek.

Nor would you WANT to.

…But if you DID?

Well, I promise you, there wouldn’t be much pleasure left in life… Shnoozarama!

But Let’s Take This 1 Level DEEPER…

I hate to break this to you… but…

Sometimes what your brain tell you it wants — isn’t at all what your SOUL wants.

Desires that come from your mind… from your “personality”… are often attempts to avoid pain. (Or to gain pleasure.) But often times there is something much, MUCH bigger awaiting you…

Remember the movie “Field of Dreams” with Kevin Cosner? (If not, rent it ASAP!)

Dr. Archibald “Moonlight” Graham (played by Burt Lancaster) tells Kevin Costner’s character about how the BIGGEST dream for his life was to play professional baseball.

But… when he finally got the chance, and was accepted into the major leagues for 1 day — the ONE chance he was given at bat: he missed the ball!!! And he was kicked him off the team…

This was the ONLY thing he had ever longed for — yet life tossed a big fat roadblock in front of his desired path. And he ended up only being a “Professional Baseball Player” for 1 measly day. Barf.

At one point, Kevin Costner’s character asks him about this devastating loss of his dream… and Dr. Graham replies: “If I would have hit that baseball… I NEVER would have become a doctor. And being a DOCTOR for only 1 day would have been the REAL disaster…” 

question in labyrinth

So always remember…

Not getting your dream often gives you your DESTINY.

Your destiny calls you to to step up. To step into something greater. To be something MORE. 

Your Destiny calls you to give of yourself in a way that you may have never done before. But something that will give you more meaning and purpose than anything you’ve ever experienced to date.

You’ve just got to remember that Source has ALWAYS got your back. So if you’re brave enough to follow your Soul’s inner-calling — your destiny is what awaits you!

Sure, the path may not be clear sometimes. But if you follow it… with faith… one day you’ll wake up to realize that every moment of your entire life has lead up to this one magical moment.

And everything FINALLY becomes crystal-flippin-clear…. 

So the next time your brain throws a hissy fit about the hills, hurdles and roadblocks scattered in your path… bow down and kiss that bumpy road for me! Give gratitude for all the tough-stuff that’s helped carve your very Soul into the gloriously-gorgeous sculpture of beauty that you are, today.

And if you’re too lost in the mire to see your life straight – grab a trusted Unstoppable friend or two, and let them mirror back your miraculousness!

Have fun this week delighting in everything that’s comin’ your way…

Because whether you want to believe me or not: Every single stinkin’ bit of this journey is FOR you (never ever against you).

Big love, Sistah!



© Copyright 2015 Stephanie McWilliams LLC

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