Sharpen Your Saw

Modern saw. Isolated on white.Like all of you, I’ve found my life becoming more and more busy. And I too find it challenging to stay balanced, focused, and taking plenty of time for myself in terms of relaxation, sleep, and exercise. I was reminded of a fantastic analogy that many of you may have already heard, but it’s good enough to hear over…and over…and over!

Sharpen your saw!

Yes, that’s right. Sharpen your saw. Imagine your life, your goals and your dreams represented by a huge tree standing before you…and just for grins, your life’s goal is to cut that huge tree down. But when we’re exhausted, run down, and spread thin with to-do lists, soccer practice, emails and grocery shopping, we often become more like a rusty, dull saw than a sharp, efficient model (I’ve felt more like a popsicle stick on the saw-dullness scale myself lately). When we stop for a moment to take time out to recharge, reorganize and rejuvenate our spirits, it’s like sharpening that rusty saw to a shining, fine point. We think clearer, we have more energy, we make better, wiser decisions, and we feel more joy. Voila! Things go more smoothly, and we find ourselves slicing effortlessly through the timber…

So after being reminded of the whole saw-sharpening theory, I took a look around. Literally and figuratively. I’ve spent much of the past year working round-the-clock on creating “Fun Shui”, and have been so busy that, like all you fellow busy-bees out there, I’d neglected to update and care for my own space which I found was no longer reflecting my greater goals.

I was working hard. And I was telling myself I didn’t have time to stop or think things through. I had work to do, and a lot of it! But this weekend I finally came to my senses and I stopped. I put everything aside and took a long hard look around.

Where is my life headed? What am I wanting to achieve in the next few years? And does my space currently speak to those greater goals? The answer was an emphatic “NO”. So I sat down at my desk. I felt my chair. I looked out at the view from my seat. Was I comfortable? Focused? Inspired? All the feng shui books would tell me that my furniture placement was stellar and that I was practicing great feng shui. But I felt stressed, scattered, tense…and the view was less than calming or creative.

Then I rolled my chair to all the other spots in the room until I found one that inspired me. Suddenly I felt focused, I felt strong, I felt wonderful. Then I opened up drawers…pulled out papers… I imagined my life as I dream it could be. And I started creating a space fit for THAT woman: the future Stephanie. How would she organize? Where would she sit? What lighting would she like? What artwork would inspire?

So that’s what I did. (And get this: I didn’t spend a single dime!) Literally overnight I’ve been far more productive, forward thinking and organized than I’ve been in some time, and have had more great news, income opportunities and surprises in just 3 days than I’ve had in the past many weeks combined. Funny thing is: most things happen when I’m centered and in the flow, NOT when I’m a buzzing busy-bee. Yet probably like you, I often forget to stay in faith – faith that life is for me, not against me.
I feel good. I feel inspired. And my home FEELS amazing again–much more compatible with that wiser, truer part of myself, and where I long to be…

Now I ask YOU: in what ways can you sharpen YOUR saw? What things have you been putting off or avoiding, that you know deep down would make a world of difference in your life and those around you? What areas of your home could use some TLC? Get some paper, make a list, and jot down 3 things you could do this week that would make you fall in love with your home all over again… And if all of this sounds absolutely out of the question (“She’s crazy – I don’t have time to do that!”), ask that deep part of yourself what’s so scary about putting down the saw and getting out the sharpening stone? What are you are afraid would happen if you did stop to tend your own inner (or outer) garden?…

Now get to work sharpening, sharpening, sharpening… and I’ll meet you at the bonfire! (Bring your own wood)

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