“Spaghetti-on-the-Wall” Marketing is a SUCK-O Idea

How to Turn Your “Random” Marketing Mess into a Laser-Focused + Lucrative Empire

Have you become victim to “Spaghetti-on-the-Wall” Marketing?

If you’re not sure, then probably you are. 99% of women take this approach (and unfortunately don’t even know it).

And if you’re not making enough money, or don’t have enough clients: PLEASE listen up!

Here’s what NOT to do:

You, in all your awesomeness, grabbing for ANY popular marketing idea — and hurling it like a wet noodle at a could-be-client. 1 after the other. Hoping that something…ANYTHING!…will stick.

You don’t have a plan. You DO have energy. (But you’re burning down your battery by hurling noodles at anything that moves…)


But all this will get you is a bunch of folks covered head-to-toe in slimy sauce… not 1 of them any closer to working with you.

And this leaves you feeling totally winded, utterly exhausted . . . with a very sore pitching arm – befuddled as to how to find those dreamy, ideal clients.

But if you want to gain traction, you’ve got to have a plan. You have to take smart steps that build upon themselves. You have to STOP wasting time and money chasing what the Guru’s deem “worthy”.

“What? Go against the Gurus’?”

Well, quite often: “Yes.

Listen: I LOVE Gurus! Gurus teach awesome skills in their areas of expertise.


That in NO way means that’s their super-skill will be YOUR Ticket-to-Ride.

Then: add to that most human’s ability to do EVERYTHING but the most lucrative steps first.

I watch more women futzing with teensy details, noodling business cards, perusing new website colors, or tweaking their business name.

I see them applying high-end online marketing, diving deep in long-range plans, or advanced SEO skills.

And while these things can be delicious icing on your business cake down the road –  they are not, and never will be, your CAKE.

If you fijiddle the micro-details before you have the big picture in place, you will most definitely be wasting a whole lot of time. (Not to mention, moolah).

If you don’t know the psychology of selling, or how to talk about what you do in ways that help people to buy, or how to target your ideal niche, or how to offer irresistible programs . . . then the rest is all a big giant oozing waste of time.

This Spaghetti-hurling, Hope-Pray-Wish technique that something…ANYTHING!… will stick to your marketing wall is the #1 thing stopping most female-run businesses before they ever make it out of the starting gate.

It will have you either:

  1. Give up entirely.
  2. Sink into so much debt you can’t see straight.
  3. Start to question your own skills, worth or fortitude.

And all 3 of those options are ROYAL bummers, indeed.

You and I were never taught how to run a thriving business when we were kids.

You and I were lead to believe that our skills alone were enough.

You and I were never shown what smart steps to take first in order to gain traction.

And you and I most DEFINITELY weren’t taught how to make money doing what we love.

…So what’s an unstoppable woman like you do NOW?

Well, it’s time to make a plan. A smart one.

And that will include:

• Taking big leaps of faith, and putting yourself out there.

• Talking to everyone you know about what you do.

• Building strong connections with those around you.

• Being a person who people know, like and trust.

Because truth-be-told: the way I built MY business to 6-figures was through grass-roots efforts.

I put myself out there, and talked to as many awesome women as possible.

…HUNDREDS of them!

Because I tried it the other way – and it just didn’t work. I did everything possible to build my business without leaving my house. Or failing. Or taking risks. Or making a fool of myself. Or looking like a dork.

But what I discovered is this:

…You can’t hide behind fancy internet marketing techniques.

…You can’t build an empire without taking some big risks.

…You can’t give someone the opportunity to work with you unless you’re willing to stick your neck out, get noticed, take a stand and speak out!

So put down the pasta-plate and stop wishing-hoping-praying that one of your slippery noodles will hit your mark, and finally stick.

It’s time to STOP doing the dumb stuff, and doing the SMART stuff instead:

1. Perfect your craft.

2. Build your confidence.

3. Get crystal-clear.

4. Craft a strategic plan.

5. And hire a rockin’ mentor.

Then step into those Unstoppable shoes lying at your feet.

There’s no smoke and mirrors or magical steps to snap your fingers and find the clients of your dreams.

Your business will be a reflection of how you’re showing up.

So will it be big and bold?  Or small and whimpy?

Cool thing is: YOU get to decide!

Take a look at your daily routine today, and note 3 ways you’ve been avoided baring your Soul, or shouting your mission from the mountaintop. Then jot down 3 simple baby-steps that can inch you toward your next bold move.

Your true, unstoppable self awaits!


© 2012 Stephanie McWilliams LLC


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