Stop Playing the Game of Life like it MATTERS.

It’s easy to get pretty darn attached to the details of your life: to your job, your finances, your sweetie or your stuff.

Thing is, being “attached” — to outcomes, needs, personalities and the like — does only 1 thing, and 1 thing WELL: causes some serious heartache and suffering.

(If not now, then definitely at some point down the road.)

And when you look around, and everyone else is “attached” in the same sad style, it can be pretty tough to realize that there’s another way.

While we THINK that being “attached” to the world around us makes us more caring, giving and lovey-dovey, it in fact does the exact opposite.  (But only always.)

Attachment doesn’t allow for change, or individuality. And most importantly, it doesn’t allow for Source to step in and lead.

When the human mind gets “attached”, it ALWAYS ends in disappointment. When you don’t get your way, or people don’t behave perfectly (ie. they leave, disagree, change their minds or die), you may notice what results is nothing less than (subtle or not-so-subtle) manipulation, codependency, lying and cheating – topped with a whopping glop of guilt and remorse.  . . . Oy vey.

Like eating hot-fudge-sunday at every meal: it can feel like a devilishly-good idea in the moment, but at some point, it’s going to bite you in the butt.

Why, I can almost hear Source chuckling every time you twist up your panties over life’s many details:

“Oh you sweet, silly human! . . . always taking life SO seriously…  If you only knew that none of this hoo-hah REALLY matters, you’d  be having tons more fun!”

It’s only from our human “blinders-on” perspective that there is struggle, strife, stress and suffering. From a God’s-eye perspective?  . . . well . . . not-so-much.

And if you ask me personally, it’s clear to me that life is designed to be played just like a game.

Try this:

Picture a professional basketball, football or baseball player for a moment.: From the minute the game starts, they play full-out, at 10,000%. They play like NOTHING else on the planet exists in that moment. They play BIG, and they play to win.

AND . . .

At the SAME time . . .

They KNOW none of it really matter at all.

No one will die if they lose. No children will starve if they stumble. No one will poof into a puff of smoke. No earthquakes will rattle. No volcanoes will erupt.

That’s the beauty of games: they are passion-filled, powerful . . . and absolutely POINTLESS.

And it’s specifically this detached “knowing” and wise awareness that allows althletes to play boldly, bravely . . . and have a blast doing it!

So what if you played YOUR life like a game this week?

What if you threw yourself onto life’s court at your own version of 10,000%?

What if you played every moment as if it was the ONLY thing that mattered — while still keeping your pinky-toe in the sweet spiritual awareness that none of those “dramatic human details” matter 1 itsy-bitsy bit.

Would that allow you to finally live BIG? Love more unabashedly? Take greater risks? Or follow your heart? Would you speak up, make change, create something new or take on the world?


At the end of the day, if you you KNEW you could not fail – a whole new world of possibilities would appear before you. You could finally let your heart, Soul and intuition guide you. And you would do greater things than you ever knew possible.

So tie up your shoes and slip on that sparkling gear – your career as a Spiritual Athlete is about to begin.


What will YOUR game look like? What will YOU take less seriously? Tell us what you’re going to tackle on your life’s court this week below in the comments section.

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