Then the Ghost Started Playing her PIANO!

Howdy-Ho, Fellow Unstoppable One!

So . . .

I’ve either got a whoppin’ case of the Travel-Bug…

Or I’m playing “Life-Hookey”…

Or maybe I’m just going through an adult version of: Running away from home”?

Whatever you call it: I’m FINALLY home from 2 spectacular months of  traveling!!!!

Last month I spent 2 glorious weeks in the stunning home of one of my long time clients, and precious friends, Jane Antonovich — a brilliantly-gifted fellow Feng Shui Designer in Madison, WI (who is one of only 4 other people, besides me, to ever to be trained by the Feng Shui Master, Jackie Patricia) . . .

Jane’s home was the perfect sanctuary get-away for my self-imposed writing retreat: HEAVEN!

(*Jane and I hanging out, catching up, talking shop — and giggling a LOT!)

Then fast-forward another 2 weeks to Jackie Patricia’s home . . . where I spent the remainder of September.

Jackie is one of my longest, dearest, deepest friends, and mind-bending Feng Shui Master. A woman who I’ve always referred to as my “Core Mentor”, Surrogate Mother, and Wise Soul-Sister — all rolled into one!

Hands-down: NO ONE has made such a huge, positive impact on my life than Jackie.

(*A picture of Jackie and I at my Feng Shui graduation ceremony many moons ago.)

When I walked into her home for the first time in many years, Jackie was sitting at her grand piano, playing a piece she’d been practicing for months –– one that swelled with intensity, and passionate emotions. (Yum.)

I sat, captivated, as she played . . .

And as she finished, she immediately looked up . . . gazed oddly into my eyes, and abruptly said:

“I have NO idea why — but I have an OVERWHELMING URGE to play a specific song for you . . . RIGHT NOW!”

That’s when her fingers immediately hit the keys again with exquisite precision — as she began playing Beethoven’s famous composition: Für Elise . . .

And CHILLS went up my spine.

Then within just a few seconds of her playing, I felt my Father (who’s in Spirit) step forward, stand close to me, and then whispered into my right ear:

“She’s playing this for ME!”

And I smiled with delight — since this was the VERY song that my father played for me countless times before all throughout my childhood — as he always dreamed of becoming an Orchestra Conductor, and particularly worshipped Beethoven’s brilliance.

Knowing how incredibly psychic Jackie is, this came as NO surprise — as I ALWAYS welcome these loving moments from “The Other Side” with open arms . . . (who wouldn’t?)

Because bonds of love this strong between family, friends or mentors –– in all their twisting, challenging, humbling glory –– are the precious nectar that makes life oh so Unstoppably sweet.

But the crazy thing is: my relationship with Jackie all started on a big, empty bus — over 27 years ago!

Back in 1991 I was headed to a week-long retreat. And as I sat waiting on that bus in NYC — only 21 years old at the time — a beautiful, older woman boarded, looked me square in the eyes . . .

. . . Then made a B-line toward my seat.

–– Even though the entire Bus was EMPTY!!!!

After my initial inner-snarky-eye-roll. . . the rest was HISTORY.  She and I clicked immediately — and we didn’t stop talking for the next 5 hours.

(Yet little did I know what adventure awaited me over the decades to follow).

Over the past 27 years, my connection with Jackie has grown, expanded and evolved — opening me up to MANY profound spiritual teachings, truths, ideas and insights — all helping me to heal and evolve in the most mind-bending ways.

Jackie also mentored me in the old-school, apprenticeship-fashion too — teaching me Feng Shui from a depth, richness, and intuitiveness that bypasses the brain, breaks all the traditional “rules”, and sinks wisdom straight into your CELLS. Your SOUL.

She taught me how to understand, feel and see energy — within people’s homes, and within themselves — and then how to create spaces that were [literally] medicine for their Spirit.

She also is a RADICAL Truth-Teller.

There is NO running from Jackie. There is ONLY vulnerability and intimacy when you’re in her presence. (Basically, it’s the REQUIREMENT to be in her inner circle.)

Jackie vowed years ago:

“Stephanie, I love you WAY too much to EVER let you stay stuck!”

Which means: She tells me EVERYTHING she sees about myself . . . (Like it or not – here it comes!)

In all my years, I’ve yet to meet anyone who could look right through me — like a loving, human laser beam.

Oh sure: being truly 1000% SEEN is deeeeeeelicious when it comes to my sweetest, kindest parts . . . But it can be TOUGH when someone also sees everything you’ve tried to hide, kill off, run from, suppress and numb out your entire adult life.  


Yet THAT is what a real, TRUE Mentor is. (At least in MY book!)

That means she spots EVERY way my ego still wants to be externally validated, seeks approval, lives in denial, or hides from my Truth.

She holds space for me, nurtures me . . . even lets me cry in her lap when my Inner Child needs TLC.

Yup, I’ve had to grow a serious pair of Lady-Balls to handle this level of raw and intense vulnerability. (And I’ll admit: I’ve run away from her intensity a few times in the past, too.)

But as you and I become brave enough to luv-up EVERY aspect of ourselves: the good, bad, and uber-ugly . . . That’s when we finally become WHOLE.

That’s when you become truly, divinely, unconditionally adoring of  WHO YOU REALLY ARE — that perfect psychological hodge-podge of sweet-n-sour. Savory and unsavory. Wonderful and wonky.

Because true, deep healing can’t happen until you can LOVE what you’ve been running from: like shame, rage, hatred, jealousy, ego, pettiness, lying, manipulation etc. (even though EVERYONE has all these things living within us, in varying doses).

. . . And hold each part in your heart with the most tender, precious SACREDNESS.

So letting the RIGHT PEOPLE “into” you — people that have done a shit-ton of inner work; are loving themselves up; and can see, feel, and know you, from head to pretty little toes — can create the most PROFOUND opportunity for growth and expansion.

And believe it or not, after all these decades–  it can STILL can hurt like a b*tch to be that radical “SEEN”, and confronted with such fierce Truth . . .

ANYTHING that I still don’t accept or love about myself is always brought to the surface in her presence — Like “Psychic Surgery” — on steroids!

Yet this has transformed me in ways that were utterly UNIMAGINABLE 27 years ago.

So every day I attempt to carry on Jackie’s loving legacy — for myself first, and then with all of my clients — so I can fiercely SEE them, love them, tell them the raw truth, show them who they REALLY are . . . and call them into the VERY BEST version of their Unstoppable Selves.

So here I am, back with Jackie — almost 3 decades after that FATED bus ride . . . getting to Quantum-Leap my growth once again.

And I want that for YOU, too.

Because we ALL deserve to be deeply, honestly, RADICALLY cherished and mentored in this way –– from anyone much farther down the road in whatever area you’re seeking greater wisdom: Spirituality, business, abundance, health, productivity, art, writing, etc.

I vowed since the age of 19 to NEVER go without at least 1 main Mentor in my life (and many years I’ve have SEVERAL – all in various life areas).

And while my ride with Jackie over these many long years has NOT always been easy, and I have definitely disagreed a time or two with her advice (we’re all human at the end of the day!)  — I am crystal-clear about one thing for sure:

If you’re trying to do this Unstoppable Ride all by your lonesome –– you are missing out on COUNTLESS amounts of healing, expansion, transformation, and growth!

The right Mentor, Teacher or Guide can quantum-leap your evolution by LIGHTYEARS — igniting your mission, self-worth, and ability to powerfully impact the world.

BUT DON’T FREAK OUT: If your moolah is uber-tight, many mentors don’t have to cost you a dime! They come in all forms (and budgets): a wise relative, sage neighbor, hired coach, spiritual teacher, experienced therapist, gifted healer, or even just a very good friend.

Just open your arms wide, and ask the Universe to send the perfect Mentor your way.

(Life is WAY too short, and time is WAY too precious, not to.)

And as a beautiful client of mine (whom I’ve mentored for many years) said yesterday:

“Why doesn’t EVERYONE do this for themselves? I’ll NEVER go without Mentoring again — it has fast-forwarded my life 10,000x fast and deeper than when I was trying to do all this by myself . . . “

Well said, Wise, Unstoppable Woman! I couldn’t agree more . . .

So with that — I love ya to the moon and back, too, Unstoppable One!

Till next week —


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