Valentine’s Day Newsletter: Martha Stewart, Feng Shui Diets and $1,000 Discounts!

valentines-300x171Happy Valentine’s Day!

And what a Valentine’s day it is here in glorious San Diego… I woke up before dawn to see a dear friend off to the airport, then began preparing for an incredible virtual retreat tele-class where I was the guest speaker, spent the rest of the day whipping up delicious sliced-n-diced veggies for my weekly nosh, and made a batch of raw vegan cookies that are in the dehydrator now (I’ll keep you posted on the results – they sure were delicious right from the mixing bowl). With an evening cuddling fireside with my cutie, and writing to you now from my rooftop patio overlooking the San Diego bay, life simply doesn’t get much better for this grateful red-head!


Hear me live this Monday morning, February 15th on Martha Stewart Morning Living (Sirius Radio) @ 9:30am E/T (6:30am P/T) — and get the Feng Shui scoop for the (Chinese) New Year!

Just visit to find out more!


I’m currently on a “Doing-Diet”. You heard me… I’m refraining from… well… DOING just about anything!

I’m delighting in sleeping all day. Cooking new gourmet recipes. Watching endless sunsets. Sitting for hours at the beach. Meditating. Walking. Going to movies. Whatever feels the least like “doing” that I can find!

So, what’s inspired this new diet of mine? (and how can you get in on this fun too?). It’s simple: modern life is FAST! It’s complex, complicated, and sometimes just downright overwhelming. Years ago, life was simpler. We had less pulls for our attention, less options, less stimulation. We could breath easier, focus better and belly laugh a whole lot more. But now more and more of us are going into burn-out simply because we’re not allowing ourselves to NOT do anything… even for a few moments at a time.

Others of us “steal” time for ourselves. We zone out, watch TV, surf the internet or lose ourselves for hours on Facebook. But it simply never, ever quenches the thirst we have for that powerful still connection deep within.

I find so many people— friends, clients, strangers I meet — saying the same thing: “Life’s just too much sometimes!” But what do we do when we get this insight? How many of us truly take the break our bodies, minds and souls deeply need to get re-nourished, refreshed and recharged?

Very few, unfortunately.

This is why burn-out is at an all-time high and adrenal fatigue is becoming more common than ever (I know first-hand).

I invite you to explore your life, review your schedule and scan your to-do list to see if you too have unknowingly joined a “Doing-Derby” rat-race-to-the-finish — that Go-Go-Go-Go-Go-Getter attitude that leaves you with little time for quiet, stillness, gentleness, intimacy or an open heart.

I’m not saying this diet is easy! Trust me, I struggle daily with the desire to do, go, and gobble up life at my previous high-speed pace. But with gentle inner course-correcting, each one of us can find
moments, minutes, or perhaps even hours and days in our schedules to take some well-needed (and deserved) time out to reconnect with ourselves… our spirits.

So for this month, be gentle. Be loving. And try shifting your life’s car into 3rd gear for a while… Trust me, cruising downhill is far more fun than the usual modern-day uphill drive!


Give Yourself the Best Valentine Gift of All: The Gift of Self-Love!

For this month only, I’m offering up a special unlike any I’ve offered before. As a Valentine’s Day treat to kick off a year of love — SELF love (the best kind, indeed!) — I want to gift you with a special limited-time $1,000 discount on my WholeLife coaching program.

This 6-month coaching program combines the best of my years of experience healing not only your home, but also your body and mind. I combine three powerful healing modalities, along with intuition,inspiration, insights (and lots of laughter), to create a unique experience unlike most any other coaching program available.

Coaching is by far my FAVORITE way to work with people just like you! And the results my coaching clients get are the best part of all. So if you’re ready to “Change Your Chi” in 2010, and you have the willingness, openness, eagerness and excitement I look for in my clients, then this is your month!

Here’s what one client had to say…

“Working with Stephanie is light-years beyond what I was expecting. In the shortest time my life started transforming, and I saw changes in myself I never thought possible. I’m feeling a deep sense of joy and stillness I’ve never felt before. When we talk, I feel as if she knows me inside and out – from the very first call! Her genuine love for me, my life, and my challenges, along with her immense compassion, makes this process so powerful, yet so safe. And boy, is she funny too! I’ve done lots of coaching in my past, but have never experienced a healer like this before. Trust me, you will NOT be disappointed!” — C.H.


• A FRE*E virtual feng shui consultation for your home

• 6 months worth of individual coaching with yours truly!

• Unlimited email support

• The chance to join in on a monthly group support call
(that will be the foundation of my new book “Change Your Chi”)

• Plus lots of goodies that are catered just for you during our time together


To help you decide if a coaching relationship is right for you, I want to offer a complimentary mini-coaching session to the first ten people who respond to this email. This is NOT a sales call, but rather a genuine sampling of my coaching program. If after our call, an ongoing relationship feels right to us both, GREAT! If not, I adore meeting new people, and hope that our sample time together gives you some juicy tidbits to get 2010 off to a fabulous start! It’s my heartfelt gift to you…

Just respond to this email if you’re interested in scheduling a complimentary call! But act soon — I’m only taking on 5 new clients this month during this special offer… will one of them be YOU?

And remember, this offer is only good through February — so why not make this Valentine’s Day a day — month — and YEAR to remember for the rest of your life. There’s no better gift than the gift of self-love…

And you’re worth it!

[Just write to me at for more information.]

With lots of love, and the Happiest Valentine’s to you and yours!!!


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