What Color Are Your Life’s LEGOs?

Hi Unstoppable One!

So… I’ve been pondering LEGOs this week (which I’ll explain in a sec)…

Because Monday morning I woke up in a serious FUNK. (And not the awesome R&B kind).

Then I did what any Unstoppable woman would do: Stop. Drop. And FEEL.

As life so brilliant choreographs: I got a trigger last week that kicked up what remains of an old, internal wound.

And when a trigger happens (which it regularly does, FYI) — I do my best to carve out time: To BE with it, EXPLORE it, and UNDERSTAND IT.

But I used to NOT do this…

I used to try every trick in the book to “feel happy”, “cheer up”, “get over it” or “ignore it”.

But the feelings I was running from would ALWAYS creep back up: through repeated challenges, problems, breakdowns, tanked moods, etc.

But just like wearing a backpack o’ Poo — no matter how fast your feet may fly, that stink is still going to be right under your nose!

My brain used to only accept the bright, beautiful, sparkling, POSITIVE parts of me — and ditch the rest.

I see this happening for most everyone else on the planet, too — and sadly, it’s wreaking havoc on our businesses, self-esteems, health, relationships, income, and more.

And that reminded me today of a beautiful LEGO-analogy (of all things!) that was told to me many years ago by one of my dearest teachers, Mary O’Malley… And it might be helpful for YOU, too:

So… just imagine that you’ve traveled back in time, to the moment right before you incarnated into this life…

And you are met by a beautiful Angel who hands you a big bucket, and then sends you into a giant warehouse — a room filled with pile after pile of various colors of Legos.

As you look around, as far as your eyes can see, there’s: a pink pile, aqua pile, lime green pile, red, purple, black, gold, blue, silver, white…

Each of these colorful piles represented a human emotional state. There’s an angry pile, happy pile, jealous pile, raging pile, joyful pile… and piles for hopelessness, silliness, sorrow, agitation, stress, shame, etc.

Whatever emotion you can think up – there’s a colored pile to reflect that mood.

But before you finally get to plop down into your cute human body, you have to walk through this warehouse — and select 1000 Legos,collecting an array of colors to create the kind of emotional experience and growth opportunities that your Soul most desires…



You cannot leave this warehouse until you have selected AT LEAST 1 Lego — from EACH of the piles.

So you could take 867 Legos from the “seething hatred” pile, 128 from the “crazy-jealous” pile, and only 5 from the “cheerfully-pleasant” pile.

Or you could take 639 “giddy happy” Legos, 217 “go-getter” Legos, 143 “super-duper-lonely” Legos, and 1 “clinically-depressed” Lego.

It doesn’t matter what you choose: Every combination serves (spiritually-speaking) — It’s all up to your Soul as to what sort of spiritual journey would help to expand you the most.

Then, once you’ve finished your selections – all those emotions, in your unique proportions, get embedded into your body… awaiting your exciting birth!

I tell you this tale today because we get this funny notion that we’re ONLY allowed to be “love and light”.

But maybe it’s time to toss this outdated notion that ONLY your happy, generous, positive sides are worthy, lovable and spiritual?

Because when you only accept the “good” as YOU — you are also (unknowingly) REJECTING all those other aspects of you, too. Ouchers.

(And that ain’t luv, Sistah.)

Got a brain? — Then you’re GOING to be a hot-fucking-mess at times. It comes with the territory.

…And that’s A-O-TAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There’s no Punishing-God looking down, and scolding you from above — for your lousy mood, procrastination skills, pessimistic outlook, or closed-down heart.

That’s all man-made shaming-silliness, Sweetheart….

Outside of our confused brains, there is only LOVE: Adoring you wildly! And waiting for you to come back “home” to yourself. Back “home” to the Truth: That you are LOVED, no matter what.

In my opinion, all you need to remember is: Nothing is ever “WRONG” with you. Ever.

Cross my heart — and pinkie swear to the stars!

(I’ve spent enough hundreds of hours channeling Guides to know that this is their scoop.)

The ONLY thing that can ever be “off” – is your PERSPECTIVE about something.

Pain comes from misunderstandings only. From innocently believing your goofy mind. And from disconnecting from the Truth of who you are: a perfect Spark of Divinity itself.

Only when you and I can turn INWARD – and bring compassion and love to our seemingly-unlovable bits — can they ever truly hope to be healed.

Because only LOVE can heal.

(And only love actually exists – behind the illusion of our minds.)

Adding shame on top of our tender inner parts – only makes them worse. NEVER better.

Besides: You ONLY feel emotions that are painful (like sorrow, rage, jealousy, lack or hopelessness) because a part of you is HURTING.

And just like a hurting child, they need hugs and kisses — not slaps or scolding.

Oh sure, I’ve chased that elusive “Pillar of Positivity” myself for DECADES. Heck, I still do at times. (Yet all the while I’m actually just running away from my inner pains…)

But shaming away parts of MYSELF do nothing but cause me to TURN on myself. ATTACK parts of me. Go to WAR within my very own Being. (Without even realizing it.)

And that BITES.

But don’t beat yourself if you’re doing this. Even our modern Spiritual Community is STILL filled with way too much darn dogma that feeling good is = “GOOD”. And feeling bad is = “BAD”.

Yet pain is just a Key. A pointing arrow. A big ol’ waving white flag — to help you reconnect to the Divinity within.

And until you sit down and unpack that pain — and come to see situations (and yourself) from God’s perspective… that pain will keep resurfacing — as a GIFT to bring you back into your true spiritual alignment.

REMEMBER: Feeling emotions can’t ever hurt you!!!!!!

They are just sensations, and energies, moving through your body.

The only PROBLEM comes when we SUPPRESS them, misunderstand them, or act them out.

So I believe it’s time to stop shaming ourselves into some elusive “PERFECTION” — but rather learn to embrace ourselves, just as we are. And ALL of who we are.

…And that includes EVERY color of Lego within you.

Sure, it’s not easy. I grapple with this work myself, each and EVERY day — always an ongoing work in progress.

But I can tell you, first hand, after embracing and feeling into ALL parts of my inner-depths over the past 3+ years: It is absolutely the most rewarding, enriching and powerful healing work of my LIFE.


  • What if there is no shame in feeling ANGRY?
  • What if it’s ok to be deeply SAD sometimes?
  • What if it’s normal to feel LONELY?

…And what if you could trust that ANY emotion was only here to visit, never to stay — always moving THROUGH you…

…Like an innocent tantruming child…or a storm cloud across a beautiful blue sky?

Because that’s what seems to be true.

Until next week… BIG LOVE!

Be Unstoppable — XOXOXOXO

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