Why I’m Breaking Up with YouTube. . .

Hey, Luv-Nut!

Valentine’s Day has got me thinking about the deeper meaning or REAL love — as well as what an ADDICT I am!

That’s why I’m doing something RADICAL (at least to me!) for the entire month of February.

Because 2 weeks ago I opened up my journal — and looked down at 2 (rather shocking) pages — where I’d listed all the YouTube videos I’d been watching . . .

. . . and I winced as a painful Truth-Bomb explode in my chest.


And since I’ve dedicated this entire year to RADICAL SELF-LOVE — what I saw logged on those pages was incompatible to the Unstoppable life I desired (and deserve).

I had to face it: I was spending a SHOCKING amount of hours watching videos that were undeniably WAY less important than other big dreams, projects, people and playtime that were truly my heart’s desires. (And definitely not in energetic alignment, too.)

So on February 1st I officially started my self-imposed “Video Detox Program” — and DELETED YouTube from my phone, computers and iPad.

(I even blocked all the devices again using one of my FAVORITE apps: “Freedom” — just in case I hit a pocket of weakness!)

Sure, it might sound silly to associate YouTube with “Self Love”.

But sometimes the smallest shift can make HUGE tidal waves of change throughout our life.

Sure, I’d already spent the past many, many months focused on understanding the rich depth of what self-love REALLY means — but my addiction to YouTube was still sucking away precious hours of my life. (Hours that I can NEVER get back.) 

So with YouTube blocking my mojo, my attempts to truly nurture my Soul felt like trying to paddle upstream in the midst of raging rapids — with 2 plastic spoons for oars!

And when I sat down to feel into my heart, to breath into what I long for in my life, and asked myself what 1 small shift would make the biggest difference, the answer was clear:


(Or at least until I’m more MINDFUL about it.)

IMPORTANT NOTE: While there is some seriously BRILLIANT content on YouTube — studies have shown that apps like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube are all designed to strategically MAKE you “hooked”, causing brain responses no different than a drug addict, or Pavlov’s cute lil’ canine.

(And dang it, I’m just WAY too stubborn to give my control over to an App, of all things! Hell to the No.)

But let’s come clean: Haven’t we ALL fallen down the “cute kittens” YouTube abyss — only to wake up 4 hours later with an ABSURD amount of knowledge about: Justin Bieber’s love-life, how to make cheese, funny things 3 year olds say, and 10 hip new hairstyles for spring?

So what’s a wonderfully self-loving baby-step for YOU this month?

Whatever it is . . .


–– What could you add, subtract, face or finish — that would make you feel like you MATTER?

–– What could you think, do or try — that would help remind you that you are WORTHY?

–– What could you read, ponder or explore — that would allow you to see yourself as the PRECIOUS person you are?


  • Plan a no-holds-barred play day?
  • Say “I Love You!” in the mirror 100x every morning?
  • Commit to facing your biggest fears or pains?
  • Starting a morning gratitude practice?
  • Read books (instead of TV) 2 nights a week?
  • Prioritize your connection to the divine throughout the day?
  • Write down 10 ways you are WONDERFUL before bed?
  • Listen to your hurting Inner Child for 15 minutes daily?
  • Take yourself out on a date-night once a week?
  • Take a creative class – like pottery, painting or jewelry-making?
  • Listen only to happy, upbeat music all month?
  • Stop overspending, and open a new savings account?
  • Treat yourself to a movie every Monday?
  • Clean up your bedroom and make it over-the-top beautiful?
  • Get more sleep – or research ways to adjust your sleep patterns?
  • Eat more greens and fresh vegetables?
  • Write love-notes to yourself and post them EVERYWHERE?
  • Remove soda, sugar, dairy or processed foods from your diet?
  • Start doing yoga after work?
  • Drinking lemon water in the A.M.?
  • Have a tough conversation with someone in your life?
  • Write a poem or short story every week?
  • Start planning an extree-fun vacation for the summer?
  • Wake up 15 minutes earlier to meditate?
  • Play hooky, and watch 3+ back-to-back Netflix movies?
  • Start exercising during lunch?
  • Spending less time with a gossipy friend?
  • Only check email 1x a day?
  • Write a tender forgiveness letter to yourself?
  • Wear only pink for a week?
  • Belly-laugh at least once a day?
  • Have self-cuddle-parties with your favorite tea and blanket every night?
  • Get out in nature and talk to the trees?

Really sit with this. Ponder it.

And then COMMIT to loving yourself . . . just a little bit more this month.

Because self love comes in many forms — and is a rather elusive idea for even seasoned spiritual gals to grasp!

But simply put, I’ve come to understand that Self-Love is:

–– The journey toward creating an profound connection with your Higher Divine Self – and allowing that high-level love to pour through you, unencumbered.

–– To create and revel in an internal world that is more tender, sweet and compassionate than ANYTHING the external world could ever concoct.

–– It’s to blossom and grow a positive, peaceful inner-dialogue with myself — filled with lightness, humor, kindness and appreciation! (Just as I am – no changes required.)

Basically put: To see and feel about myself — the way GOD sees and feels about me.

(PS: If the word God ruffles your feathers – I only use it to describe the Wonder that makes up everything in the Universe. The All That Is. The Love of All Loves.)

And for me: OH WHAT A DIFFERENCE I’ve noticed in just the past week of Video-Abstinence!!!! –– I’ve been 10x happier, more self-nurturing, working on projects I’d put off, reading soul-inspiring books, planning out long-term dreams, taking time to dig deeper into some core wounds, etc.

So . . . what’s YOUR February Self-Love Challenge going to be?

(Reply to this email to share – I’d love to hear!!!!)

Because Self-love isn’t just some cutesy self-help topic we give politically-correct lip-service to . . . it is the necessary ingredient for EVERYTHING that is worth ANYTHING in this life.

If you do NOT love yourself, you’ll struggle with: business, money, spiritual connection, health, relationships of all kind, and overall happiness.

It’s the #1 Main Ingredient to being Unstoppable. Hands-down.

Lots more self love musings are coming your way this month… In the meantime, always remember: you’re Awesome-Sauce, incarnate!

Lots of Self-Love comin’ attcha, Sweetness . . .

Till next week . . .


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