As you already may know, I’ve been on a traveling whirlwind for the past 2 months (and secretly “shopping” for a potential new city to live) — having been to: Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, Sacramento, Auburn, Denver, and now Madison, WI — before heading back home in a few days.

And while there are endless amazing (and rather miraculous) stories to tell, and beautiful friends and family I connected with along the way — today I wanted to share the most PRECIOUS (and personal) moment of the entire adventure . . .

Because I believe that this wild story (and “surprising” twist at the end) may also be a VERY important message for you, too — without you having to trek across the country to receive it!

Now first, if you’ve been around for awhile — you already know that I’ve become increasingly clairaudient over the past few years. (Which basically means I’m able to HEAR Spirits).

So around late April these “VOICES” (whom I’ll refer to as my “Guides”) told me every day for 2+ months that it was VERY important to take a long road trip (the same one I’ve been on for the past 6 weeks)…

My Guides laid out every date, every detail … and even helped tell me exactly where to stay, when to leave, who to see, etc.

But one part of their itinerary befuddled me:

They told me it was important to go back to the home where I lived when I was first born.

I’ll be honest: I wasn’t keen on their idea — as this meant traveling WAY off the beaten path to get from Portland down to Auburn, CA (a 11+ hour extra drive!)…

And to make this even MORE challenging:

I had NO ADDRESS for the House!!!!!!

I only had 1 small, blurry polaroid taken over 48 long years ago.

And all my mother could say was: “Well, I know the house is somewhere off of Highway 49 . . .?!”

(Moderately-sized needle: meet rather large haystack!)

She and I even scoured Google’s satellite images — for ANYTHING that looked remotely familiar.

But. . . Nopesy! No go.

Yet I have VOWED to trust my intuition, and follow it wherever it leads me — even if it’s difficult, uncomfortable, or sounds utterly nutsballs to the people around me. And I figured The Guides wouldn’t have sent me all this way for nuttin’ . . .

Besides, my Spidey-Senses have helped me with tasks far tougher than this one. So I was definitely up for the challenge…

I headed north from Auburn up Highway 49 for at least 20 minutes — as my Guides kept repeatedly telling me: “Tune in… Tune in… Tune in…”

So I kept tabs on the feeling in my gut as I drove along this rather desolate 2-lane twisty-turny road. That is, until I got that familiar magnetic “pull” to the right (indicating that the house must be VERY close).

So I turned right onto the first exit, down a small gravel road — as my eyes scoured the landscape to see if any of the homes “matched”. But nothing did.

Yet I KNEW I was close!!!! I could feel it in my bones…

(All the while still wondering: “WHY the heck am I even looking for this house in the first place?”)

That’s when my Guides started saying: “No… Go right, and then right!” — over and over and over again (as they flashed an image of the very next stop — just a few hundred feet further down highway 49).

Yup, I’d jumped the intuitive gun, and made a slight goof. So I went back to 49, to take the very NEXT exit just a short stretch down the road — turning right, then another right (as my Guides requested), back onto another narrow gravel road.

As I drove slowly — eagerly looking up at the small row of houses for familiar markers or signs… that intuitive “feeling” grew stronger. (And I KNEW that the house was somewhere very close by…)

The road narrowed. It seemed desolate. Nothing looked familiar. But . . . I know what I know. (And I followed that feeling… )

And as I bump along another few feet, just behind a huge wall of shrubs…

. . . I FINALLY SEE IT!!!!!!!!

(And a chill ripples up my spine.)

The old house from the photos… miraculously found in the middle of utter NOWHERESVILLE!

So I parked in the driveway, and moved toward the front door. And as I ring the bell, a small, older woman peeks out from behind the closed screen.

I attempted to speak — trying to squeak out how important this trip was, how far I’d traveled, and showing her the ancient polaroid picture of her very own house . . .

That’s when my eyes glanced for a millisecond over her left shoulder . . . giving me a clear view into the living room I’d seen SO many times in the old family scrapbooks:

  • The large stone fireplace . . .
  • The vaulted wood ceilings . . .
  • The large opening to the kitchen . . .
  • The unique cabinetry along the back wall . . .

Yup, if I’d ever had a doubt whether THIS was the “The House” — my doubts were GONE!

And that’s when I TOTALLY LOST IT.

Tears suddenly poured like a river after a flood! (And once it started, I couldn’t turn them off.)

It was an EXPLOSION OF NOSTALGIA. And it overtook me in a way I was not expecting.

I got flashes of me as a young girl… my proud young parents standing nearby. As if an 8mm reel of old 70’s footage was being projected over (and thru) the house… Like X-ray vision through the walls — back to the time when things were sweet, innocent and simple.

Back to the moments BEFORE I started taking on thoughts that were not my own. When I stopped believing I was worthy. When I drank the collective mental Kool-Aide that closed down my heart. And turned parts of my life into something hard. Painful. Lonely. Or heartbreaking.

So to mark this emotional (yet magical) moment of finding this long-lost house — I spread my father’s ashes throughout the front yard — like a sweet “period” at the end of a very long and sacred sentence.

And when I finally walked back to my car, sitting and staring back up at the house in “awe”… one of my main Guides stepping forward, and proceeded to explain the REAL REASON why I’d traveled this long way…

(Psssss: What she’s about to say applies to YOU, too.)

In a nutshell, here’s what she sweetly said:


“I’ve brought you here because I want you to review your entire life — starting from this house, onward . . . But now see it from the TRUTH: That I was ALWAYS with you every step of your life’s adventure — and I never once left your side!!!

Please see that you were NEVER EVER “bad”, or broken, or anything less than perfect. And every painful relationship was NEVER intended to hurt you. They were all Loving Souls, here to play an important role — and GIFT you with the exact situations you needed for your Soul’s expansion…

No one has EVER actually hurt you, betrayed you, or abandoned you — even though your false-perspectives told you otherwise. Nor have you EVER “lost” anything or anyone. That is IMPOSSIBLE — since all of life is “One”. All interconnected. Therefore loss is NOT possible! Brokenness is NOT possible! Being abandoned is NOT possible!

Life has always been here FOR your Soul’s evolution, never against you. The reality of your life is that you have been surrounded at every moment by a sea of love in the highest magnitude! And now it is time to see and live from this HIGHER Truth . . .”


Then she showed me a glowing white timeline — from the beginning of my life, up through today…

So I closed my eyes, and followed her lead, as I replayed my whole life, starting as an infant: seeing my younger self glowing with white light from within. Seeing my TRUE spiritual essence.

And I traveled through this timeline, year by year — mostly noticing life’s BIGGEST and most PAINFUL “bumps”, and all the people involved: parents, family, friends, teachers, ex-lovers, “enemies”, strangers, etc. Moments that stung, hurt, devastated and shamed me to my core.

Yet this time I got to see (and feel) them in a whole new light. . .

I saw each glowing, loving Soul — set up like spiritual Chess Pieces — all sent to SERVE me:

To trigger my unhealed wounds. To mirror back my own limiting beliefs. To reveal what I still refused to accept about myself. And to (secretly) love me beyond measure.

And I could clearly feel that all the pains I had ever experienced were generated INSIDE of me (not outside, by others).

Even though this wasn’t my first spiritual rodeo, and this was NOT a new concept for me whatsoever — for some weird reason this epiphany was hitting me on a deeper, cellular level… Like a profound “pop” of awareness that was finally becoming more EMBODIED.

And I felt drenched in the most PROFOUND LOVE imaginable.

It became so clear that I had been WRONG about most moments of my life. I had missed out on much of it’s true beauty.

And I had always been far more loving, safe, supportive and glorious than I had ever truly realized (especially in the darker, tougher moments).

So . . . WHY do I tell you this?

Because you don’t have to travel back to your old home, or reconnect with people and places of your past — to have this experience yourself. You can do it right now, in your very own mind.

You can choose to reframe who you are, and where you’ve been.

Heck, you can choose to rewrite life’s script any old way you want!

(Since it’s all made up in your cute little head, anyway. . . )

Consider embracing the fact that: You have NEVER been alone. You are LOVED beyond measure. And you are, at your very essence, a spark of DIVINITY itself!

Always safe. Always beautiful. Always worthy. And always PERFECT — just as you are.

No changes, edits, revisions needed.

I know this may be a tall order to take in– since so many of us Unstoppables have gone through PROFOUNDLY painful stuff. (Understatement extraordinaire!)

But consider trying on this idea, regardless. Just for shits-n-giggles . . .

AND ALSO PLEASE NOTE: it’s not like this “magical moment” miraculously wiped away ALL my self-doubts, judgements, blaming, grumpiness or other super-wonky thinking . . . FAR FROM IT!

I still struggle. Have shitty days. Beat myself up. Get P.O.’d at people.

(Everyone does!)

But it definitely made another dent in my current life’s “illusions”.

My heart just hopes that by sharing some of the things that I experience — that they might inspire and expand you, too. All at the perfect time, in the perfect way.

One simple, soulful baby step, by baby step, by baby step, by baby step . . .

Because no matter if you’re a soulful Entrepreneur, gifted healer, or woman on a mission — learning to love yourself more, fill yourself from the inside, and walk in faith enough to strut your true shining self . . .

. . . Is the key to gosh-darn EVERYTHING!!!!!

So with that — sending you overflowing love and blessings this week, Beautiful!!!!

Till next time . . .


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